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The Hague Talks: Academic Support to Social Networks (Ролята на академичния сектор за защита на кибер пространството от език на омразата и фалшиви новини)., 2018.
Hybrid warfare against (the naming of) the Hybrid warfare., 2018.
Innovation Platform for Security Capability Development: Innovation for Transformation – roles in the 4 quadrants., 2018.
MN Formations Centric Defense Partnership – the Way Ahead in CEE / SEE., 2018.
Not-For-Profit Framework (NFPF): Improved capacity management for NCIA Support to Interoperability and Innovation in NATO Effectiveness, Efficiency and Savings for C&I R&D/E&T Improved NATO – EU coordination and cooperation., 2018.
Organizing for Cyber Resilience: Identification and Management of the Organizational Cyber Risk., 2018.
Resilience: Cyber / Technology dimension., 2018.
Service based organisation for security and law enforcement space enabled support., 2018.
Киберсигурност и възможности за приложение на иновативни технологии в работата на държавната администрация в България., 2018.
Опит в развитието на лидери на промяната за НАТО., 2018.
Развитие на капацитета за МиС в България: 1984-2018., 2018.
"NC3A as a platform to support C4ISR capabilities development for the Comprehensive Approach." Information & Security: An International Journal 27, no. 1 (2011): 47-64.
"Civil Security and Crisis Management: The Concept Development and Experimentation Process in Bulgaria (the Role of the US, NATO, and the EU in SEE)." In The Fight Against Terrorism and Crisis Management in the Western Balkans, 147-164. Amsterdam: IOS Press, 2008.
