
Export 21393 results:
Erbschloe, Michael. Trojans, Worms and Spyware: A Computer Security Professional’s Guide to Malicious Code . Burlington: Elsevier Butterworth–Heinemann, 2005.
Ye, E.Z., and S. Smith. "Trusted Paths For Browsers." ACM Transactions on Information and System Security 8, no. 2 (2005): 153-186.
Lipton, Eric. "Trying to Keep the Nation’s Ferries Safe From Terrorists." The New York Times (2005).
Bilgin, Pinar. "Turkey’s Changing Security Discourses: The Challenge of Globalisation." European Journal of Political Research 44 (2005): 175-201.
Lindstrom, Marielle Sander. "Turkey’s Efforts to Fight Human Trafficking in the Black Sea Region: A Regional Approach." Connections: The Quarterly Journal 4, no. 4 (2005): 39-47.
Topala, Andi, and Andrei R. Dobrogea. "Two Former Arab Students in Romania have Supported the Terrorist Organization Hamas for 10 Years." Gardianul (2005).
Ortega, Martin. "Über Petersberg hinaus: Welche militärischen Missionen für die EU." In Die Sicherheits- und Verteidigungspolitik der EU, 87-104, quote on p. 88. Paris: EU ISS, 2005.
Mite, Valentinas. Ukraine: Would Hike in Russian Gas Prices Prove a Blessing in Disguise?. Payvand’s Iran News, 2005.
Butusov, Yuriy. "Ukrainian Intelligence. Shake before Using." Dzerkalo Tyzhnia (in Ukrainian) (2005).
Shulman, S. "Ukrainian nation-building under Kuchma." Problems of Post-Communism 52, no. 5 (2005): 32-47.
The UN High-Level Panel on Threats, Challenges and Change., 2005.
Leszczyński, Adam. "UN: Overhaul or Demolition”?; “ONZ. Remont czy roz-biórka?" Gazeta Wyborcza (2005).
UN Security Council Resolution establishing a Peacebuilding Commission., 2005.
Ginsberg, M.L, and M. Smith. Understanding the European Union as a Global Actor: Theory, Practice and Impact., 2005.
Smarandache, F.. Unification of Fusion Theories (UFT). Albena, Bulgaria: NATO Advance Study Institute, 2005.
Petroska-Beshka, Violeta. Unite or Divide?. Washington, D.C.: United States Institute of Peace, 2005.
Universal Task List. Vol. version 2.1. Washington, D.C.: U.S: Department of Homeland Security, 2005.
Noone, Michael. "The U.S. Approach to Combating Trafficking in Women: Prosecuting Military Customers. Could it Be Exported?" Connections: The Quarterly Journal 4, no. 4 (2005): 81-89.
Romero, Simon, and Erin E. Arvedlund. "U.S. Court to Hear Arguments for Dismissal of Yukos Case." New York Times (2005).
U.S. Experience with Provincial Reconstruction Teams in Afghanistan: Lessons Identified In Special Report. U.S. Institute of Peace, 2005.
Kristensen, Hans. U.S. Nuclear Weapons in Europe: A Review of Post-Cold War Policy, Force Levels and War Planning. Washington, DC: Natural Resources Defense Council, 2005.
US Realignment and NATO Transformation: Implication for Southeast Europe and Greater Black Sea Area . Bucharest, 2005.
Bell, Michael A.. "Use Best Practices to Design Data Center Facilities." Gartner Research (2005).
Summers, Wayne, C Bhagyavati, and Carlos Martin. Using a Virtual Lab to Teach an Online Information Assurance Program. InfoSecCD'05, 2005.
Tobin, Jr, Donald L., and Michael S. Ware. Using A Windows Attack intRusion Emulator (AWARE) to Teach Computer Security Awareness. ITiCSE'05, 2005.
