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Quintanal, Gracia Abad. "La repercusión de las ampliaciones al Este en la Seguridad y Defensa de la UE." Comillas Journal of International Relations 21 (2021).
Belletti, Federico. Las operaciones de ciberguerra y su contribución al logro de los objetivos del nivel operacional: caso de estudio el accionar de Rusia contra Ucrania. Argentina: Escuela Superior de Guerra Conjunta de las Fuerzas Armadas, 2021.
McKoy, Coleman. Law Enforcement Officers’ Perceptions in Combating Cybercrime at the Local Level . Walden Universit, 2021.
Turns, David, and Anicée Van Engeland. "The legal framework for security." In Managing Security. 1st ed. Routledge, 2021.
Alymbaeva, Aida, and Philipp H. Fluri. "Lessons from the Post-Totalitarian Transformation of Intelligence Services." Connections: The Quarterly Journal 20, no. 1 (2021): 5-7.
Hugyik, Andras. "Lessons Learned from Military Intelligence Services Reform in Hungary." Connections: The Quarterly Journal 20, no. 1 (2021): 33-49.
Rahouti, Mohamed, Kaiqi Xiong, and Jing Lin. Leveraging a cloud-based testbed and software-defined networking for cybersecurity and networking education In Engineering Reports., 2021.
Lorenzoni, Nina, and Margit Raich. "Long-term impact of the Galtuer avalanche on the public health system." Journal of Emergency Management 19, no. 2 (2021).
Georgiev, Venelin. Main Issues and Risks Related to the Provision of Resources for Bulgaria’s Defence Capabilities Development Programme 2032 In CSDM Views., 2021.
Yucel, Cagatay, Adam Lockett, Ioannis Chalkias, Dimitrios Mallis, and Vasilios Katos. "MAIT: Malware Analysis and Intelligence Tool." Information & Security: An International Journal 50, no. 1 (2021): 49-65 .
Todorov, Yavor. "Maritime Cyber(in)security: A Growing Threat Imperils EU Countries." Connections: The Quarterly Journal 20, no. 3 (2021): 73-91.
Griffin, Angela. Maritime Cybersecurity Strategies for Information Technology Specialists. Walden University, 2021.
Ranaweera, Pasika, Anca Jurcut, and Madhusanka Liyanage. MEC Enabled 5G Use Cases: A Survey on Security Vulnerabilities and Countermeasures., 2021.
Pianese, Gaetano, Nicola Chieffo, Antonio Formisano, and Doncho Partov. "Mechanical Analysis of a Heritage Structure in The City Center of Sofia." In XXI International Scientific Conference on Construction and Architecture VSU'2021., 2021.
Hartono, H, and Joko Triloka. Method for Detection and Mitigation Cross Site Scripting Attack on Multi-Websites In 7th ICITB - Conference on Information Technology and Business 2021 ., 2021.
Ebrahimi, Mansoureh, Kamaruzaman Yusoff, and Rozmi Ismail. "Middle East and African Student (MEAS) perceptions of Islam and Islamic moderation: a case study ." Indonesian Journal of Islam and Muslim Societies 11, no. 1 (2021).
Temitope, Laniran, and Olayinka Ajala. "Military Expenditure and Economic Growth: Evidence from Nigeria." American Journal of Economics 11, no. 1 (2021): 10-18.
Thompson, Pat, and Mark Manning. "Missed Opportunities in Digital Investigation." In Privacy and Freedom Protection in the Connected World. Advanced Sciences and Technologies for Security Applications, 101-122. Cham. : Springer, 2021.
Hemann, JoAnn. Mitigating IT Security Risk in United States Healthcare: A Qualitative Examination of Best Practices. Vol. Doctor of Philosophy. Walden Universit, 2021.
Omanwa, James M.. Mobile Network Infrastructure Security in Developing Countries – A Kenya Case Study In College of Management and Technology. Vol. doctoral study. Walden University , 2021.
Marinov, Petar. "The Modern Processes of Radicalization and their Connection with Terrorist Activity." In International Scientific Conference "Strategies XXI", suppl. "Technologies – Military Applications, Simulation and Resources". Bucharest, 2021.
Marinov, Petar. "The Modern Processes of Radicalization and Their Connection with Terrorist Activity." STRATEGIES XXI-Command and Staff College 17, no. 1 (2021): 162-168.
Mathewson, Andro. Modernizing the Bulgarian Military: Not Those Drones In CSDM Views., 2021.
Menga, XianJia, Shi Qiub, Shaohua Wanc, Keyang Chengd, and Lei Cuia. "A motor imagery EEG signal classification algorithm based on recurrence plot convolution neural network." Pattern Recognition Letters 146 (2021): 134-141.
Mygal, Galyna V., Valeriy P. Mygal, and Olga F. Protasenko. "Multidisciplinary approach to research and analysis of the safety of complex transport systems." In 4-th International Scientific and Practical Conference ISM–2021. Kharkiv, Ukraine, 2021.
