
Export 21393 results:
Malyk, Jaroslav. "Informacijna bezpeka Ukrainy: stan ta perspektyvy rozvytku." Efektyvnist derzhavnogo upravlinnja 44 (2015): 13-20.
Ahlan, Abdul Rahman, Muharman Lubis, and Arif Ridho Lubis. "Information Security Awareness at the Knowledge-Based Institution: Its Antecedents and Measures." Procedia Computer Science 72 (: 72 (2015): 361-73.
B. Henry, Charles. "Information Security Strategic Plan." SBSRR - Social and Basic Sciences Research Review 3, no. 3 (2015): 137-141.
Information Society. State Statistical Office, 2015.
Information Technology — Security Techniques — Information security Management for Inter-sector and Inter-organizational Communications., 2015.
Informational System of Public Administration of the Republic of Moldova – “Governmental Intranet“., 2015.
John, Wolfgang, Catalin Meirosu, P Sköldström, and Felician Nemeth. Initial Service Provider DevOps concept, capabilities and proposed tools., 2015.
Klima, Noël, and Philippe De Baets. "Inleiding. Kosten van Veiligheid – Beperkingen, Risico’s En Kansen Door Innovatie." Orde van de Dag: Criminaliteit En Samenleving 71 (2015): 2-4.
Harrison, Virginia, and Alla Eshchenko. Inside Russia’s Pro-Putin Troll Factory. CNN, 2015.
Aboudi, Sami. Insight – In Yemen Chaos, Islamic State grows to rival al Qaeda., 2015.
Institute for Hydrometeorological and Seismological Service of Montenegro., 2015.
Institute for Meteorology and Water Management., 2015.
Institute for Nuclear Research and Nuclear Energy., 2015.
Institute for Space and Solar-Terrestrial Research., 2015.
Institute for Water of the Republic of Slovenia., 2015.
Institute of Geodynamics “Sabba S. Stefanescu“., 2015.
Institute of Geography (Romanian Academy of Sciences)., 2015.
Institute of Information and Communication Technologies., 2015.
Institute of Mathematics and Informatics., 2015.
Achour, Nebil, Efthimia Pantzartzis, Federica Pascale, and Andrew D. F. Price. "Integration of resilience and sustainability: from theory to application." International Journal of Disaster Resilience in the Built Environment 6, no. 3 (2015): 347-362.
Cha, Kyung Jin, Taewon Hwang, and Shirley Gregor. "An integrative model of IT-enabled organizational transformation: A multiple case study." Management Decision 53, no. 8 (2015): 1755-1770.
Efthymiou, Konstantinos. "International and Territorial Waters Threatening Actors and the Defense Framework." FFUK Efthymiou – Terminology (2015).
Houben, Marc. International Crisis Management: The Approach of European States. Routledge, 2015.
International Military Staff. North Atlantic Treaty Organization, 2015.
Buranelli, Filippo Costa. International Society and Central Asia In Department of War Studies. Vol. Doctor of Philosophy. King’s College London, 2015.
