Philip Spassov


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This is the longer CV, presenting education, work experience, etc.

Marinov, Petar. "The Modern Processes of Radicalization and Their Connection with Terrorist Activity." STRATEGIES XXI-Command and Staff College 17, no. 1 (2021): 162-168.
Cai, Wentian, and Huijun Yao. "Research on Information Security Risk Assessment Method Based on Fuzzy Rule Set." Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing 2021 (2021).
Bagchi, Debjyoti, Abhishek Mukherjee, and Sarannak Pal. "A one step further approach to fraud detection." Journal of Computer Science and Engineering (JCSE) 2, no. 2 (2021).
Skillicorn, D. B., and C. Leuprecht. "Copresence networks: criminals in their environment." Social Network Analysis and Mining 11 (2021): 85.
Sadiku, Matthew N. O., Kelechi G. Eze, and Sarhan M. Musa. Blockchain in Agriculture In Information & Security: An International Journal. Vol. 49., 20212.
Панов, Август Богда. Астронавигацията – необходимата алтернатива на GNSS In Висше Военноморско Училище „Никола Йонков Вапцаров“. Варна, България: Висше Военноморско Училище „Никола Йонков Вапцаров“ , 2021.
Romanova, A.. Securitisation in critical infrastructure identification: from cyber to elections and pandemics In Intelligence and Strategic Studies. Vol. International Master in Security. Glasgow University, 2021.
Oftedahl, Alyona Trach. Self-reconnaissance as a preventive tool for organizational information security. Vol. Masteroppgave i samfunnssikkerhet . Universitet i Stavanger , 2021.
Nchangnwi, Mercy. Strategies for Small Businesses to Enhance Ethical Financial Reporting In College of Management and Technology. Vol. doctor. Walden University , 2021.
Șușnea, Elena, and Ionuț-Cosmin Buță. Artificial Intelligence in Hybrid Warfare: A Literature Review and Classification In International Scientific Conference "Strategies XXI", suppl. Strategic Changes in Security and International Relations. Vol. 17. Bucharest, 2021.
Pianese, Gaetano, Nicola Chieffo, Antonio Formisano, and Doncho Partov. "Mechanical Analysis of a Heritage Structure in The City Center of Sofia." In XXI International Scientific Conference on Construction and Architecture VSU'2021., 2021.
Marinov, Petar. "The Modern Processes of Radicalization and their Connection with Terrorist Activity." In International Scientific Conference "Strategies XXI", suppl. "Technologies – Military Applications, Simulation and Resources". Bucharest, 2021.
Anton, Anca, and Mara Lăcătuș. "Digital Diplomacy: The Case of the Embassy of Sweden in Bucharest." In Diplomacy, Organisations and Citizens., 2021.
Nikitha, Pradeep, and A. Rengarajan. "Fraud Detection." IITM Journal of Management and IT 12, no. 1 (2021): 81-82.
Xue, Yuan, Shouxin Wang, Tian Chen, Quanxin Zhang, Lu Liu, and Yu-an Tan. "On-line Firmware Updating and Fingerprint Generating for Solid State Disks." In International Conference on Data Mining and Big Data. DMBD 2021., 2021.
Wen, Shao-Fang, Muhammad Mudassar Yamin, and Basel Katt. Ontology-Based Scenario Modeling for Cyber Security Exercise In 2021 IEEE European Symposium on Security and Privacy Workshops (EuroS&PW) . Vol. 1., 2021.


Last updated: Monday, 01 December 2014