
Defence Technological and Industrial Base

he defence industrial base is examined as a key component of the defence potential of a country or an alliance. The lecture presents the trends in the evolution of the defence industries in the Euroatlantic area, along with national examples covering other countries. It provides analysis of the emergence of a ‘security industry’ in a defence-security continuum, supporting...

Defence Acquisition

This lecture introduces the students to the scope, principles, and the complexities of defence acquisition. It presents the place and the issues addressed by an acquisition strategy, outlines life cycle models and ways of costing acquisition projects. It presents the main roles in the process of acquisition and the need to preserve its transparency and auditability.

Programme-based Capability Development

This lecture introduces the concepts of "program", "programming", and program-based capability development or, equivalently, program-based defence resource management. It compares a number of program structures and demonstrates how programming can incorporate uncertainty and, respectvely, the program-based capability development can afford adaptation to a certain degree of...

Cooperative Capability Development

The lecture introduces the notion of "curse of the scale" and the need to seek economies of scale. It outlines the cooperation mechanisms in NATO and EU formats, and possble levels of cooperation and coordination in the national security sector, as well as the phases in the capability delivery process in which such coordination needs to take place.

Defence and Force Planning

The lecture This lecture presents the purpose and alternative approaches to defence and force planning. It provides definitions and models, used to describe defence capabilities, and presents the outlines of a methodology for capability planning, supporting decision making on long-term development of forces, management and support organisations in uncertainty. The...

Risk Assessment and Risk Mitigation

This lecture aims to clarify the subject of "Strategic Risk Assessment," to present and discuss examples, methods, and implementation challenges.






Governing Functions in Defence

This lecture introduces the concept of governance, the main pillars of management (plannig; organising and staffing; directing and leading; monitoring and controlling) and distinguishes between three key governance functionss in deefence: command and control; management; and political guidance and oversight. It compares the main principles, roles and responsibilities in the...

Defence Policy and Defence Management

This lecture presents the scope and the content of a defence policy, the main variables and their interrelations. The national defence policy is devised in the context of allied defence policies, the national security policy, other public policies and the respective allocation of public resources. The terms “management” and “security strategy” are also examined briefly in...

Training of staff on issues of cybersecurity

The main content of the topic includes issues related to the development of a training program for staff on matters relating to cybersecurity. Specify the key features, among which fall the program's objectives, specification program, tailored to the needs of teaching staff etc. Takes stock of the possible forms of the training as a comment on their advantages and...

Environment for countermeasures against cybercrime

The importance of issues related to cybersecurity, have a direct connection with the state of the environment described using features such as growing use of computer systems and networks for business and in everyday life. Environment is also important from the standpoint that within the same is done combating cybercrime and of its qualities it depends how this counter is...
