The Joint Training Simulation and Analysis Center (JTSAC) is a part of the Information Technologies for Security Department of the Institute of Information & Communication Technologies, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences.
The center is combining both research & educational efforts in a sustainable knowledge capacity throughout a proven expert team with a valuable partner support. Being at the rise of a transcending global digitalization, JTSAC aims to provide an adequate coping of the modern security threats and challenges socio-technological hybridization for the Integrated Security Sector needs. An appropriate added value in this context is the combination of human & technological evolutionary knowledge for the 21 century comprehensive security establishment.
Special accent is given to a creative research and training in the fields of: cybersecurity, crisis & emergency management, defence planning & assessment, future threats analysis, modelling and forecasting, human factor response psycho-physiological monitoring and stimulation, distributed CAX in mixed cyber-physical realities.
JTSAC innovations network partners are: IFIP, SysSec, JIC
Take a look at our 10 Years Anniversary Project: Secure Digital Future 21