
Terrorism and Crime

Mullins, Sam, James K. Wither, and Steven R. Monaco. "Terrorism and Crime." In Combating Transnational Terrorism, 67-84. Sofia: Procon, 2016.

Terrorist Innovation

Dolnik, Adam. "Terrorist Innovation." In Combating Transnational Terrorism, 49-66. Sofia: Procon, 2016.

Terrorist Motivations

Raffie, Dina Al. "Terrorist Motivations." In Combating Transnational Terrorism, 17-32. Sofia: Procon, 2016.
ctt.ch02.pdf — Downloaded 3613 times

Defining Terrorism

Schmid, Alex P.. "Defining Terrorism." In Combating Transnational Terrorism, 1-16. Sofia: Procon, 2016.
ctt.ch01.pdf — Downloaded 2935 times


Wither, James K., and Sam Mullins. "Foreword." In Combating Transnational Terrorism, vii-x. Sofia: Procon Ltd., 2016.

Terrorism is a global security challenge and an existential threat to a growing number of states. As such, it is a high priority in national security strategies around the world. It is hardly surprising that the subject has already attracted an immense and growing body of literature. Combating Transnational Terrorism adds to this body of work.

CTT Foreword — Downloaded 5097 times
