Driver+ issues new call for solutions

The Driver+ project, performed with substatial contribution from CSDM, issued a new Call for Solutions for the trial in The Netherlands.

Scenario: A dyke or sluice breach; more than 500.000 people threatened by flooding; water level about 1 meter

Cascading effects: Flooded roads and railways; Partly power outage; (Tele-)communications failure; Shortage in fresh drinking water and food supply for the population within and outside of the affected area.

Looking for solutions addressing the following capability needs:

  • Planning of resources (qualified personnel and equipment) for response during large scale and long-term crises
  • Capability to exchange crisis-related information among agencies and organisations on various level (interoperability)
  • Planning and managing large scale evacuation of population in urban areas

Deadline: 2 July 2018

For further information:

Start date: 
Tuesday, June 5, 2018
Last updated: Tuesday, 05 June 2018