NC3A Support to IED Fight: a Comprehensive Approach

Publication Type:

Journal Article


Franco Fiore


Information & Security: An International Journal, Volume 27, Issue 1, p.75-80 (2011)


airport security, CIED, direct energy, Improvised Explosive Devices, ISAF, jamming, radar technology, X-ray


This paper briefly addresses the activities the NATO C3 Agency is per¬forming in support to the Counter Improvised Explosive Devices (C-IED) fight, ranging from support to ISAF operations to Research and Development, down to unbiased field testing of emerging technologies to be utilized in the IED fight. The recent impulse given by the NATO Secretary General to the Multinational Cooperation approach to the IED battle provided NC3A with the ability to work closer with the C-IED task Force, the Conference of National Armament Directors (CNAD) and the Defence Investment Division at NATO HQ in order to collect inputs on current projects the nations were running in the C-IED area with the main goal to identify common requirements and provide a framework for Multinational procurement with the end goal of achieving interoperability and standardization of C-IED assets with a cost-saving for the Nations as a value added factor, mainly achieved due to economy of scale acquisitions

Last updated: Wednesday, 13 February 2019