
Export 21414 results:
de la Vallée, Paloma, Georgios Iosifidis, Andrea Rossi, Marko Dri, and Wim Mees. Sector-Specific Training-A Federated Maritime Scenario In International Conference on Multimedia Communications, Services and Security, MCSS 2022: Multimedia Communications, Services and Security., 2022.
Yan, Xiaolong, and Yingying Feng. "Secure wireless network system based on deep reinforcement learning network." Optik 271 (2022).
Sanchez-Iborra, Ramon, and Antonio Skarmeta. "Securing the Hyperconnected Healthcare Ecosystem." In AI and IoT for Sustainable Development in Emerging Countries, 455-471. Cham: Springer, 2022.
Parker, Emma E.. The Securitization of United States Foreign Assistance. Vol. Doctor of Philosophy. George Mason University, 2022.
Segell, Glen. "Selective Leadership Expectations in a Multinational Force Context Examined through NATO Training." Connections: The Quarterly Journal 21, no. 1 (2022): 11-23.
Francis, Sunil. Sex Trafficking: The Plea of Modern Slavery., 2022.
Jiang, Tianjiao. "The Shift of China’s Strategic Thinking on Cyberwarfare Since the 1990s." Journal of Chinese Political Science (2022).
Eder, Franz. "Sicherheitspolitik." In Handbuch Außenpolitik Österreichs, 285-306., 2022.
Eder, Franz. "Sicherheitspolitik." In Handbuch Außenpolitik Österreichs, 285-306., 2022.
Tremori, Alberto, Sasha B. Godfrey, Luca Berretta, Arnau Carrera Viñas, Pavlina Nikolova, and Iliyan Hutov. "Simulation-Based Training with Gamified Components for Augmented Border Protection." Information & Security: An International Journal 53, no. 2 (2022): 255-272.
Dimitrov, Nikolay. "Small Countries and Major Global Economic Players – the Nicaraguan Channel." Information & Security: An International Journal 51, no. 1 (2022): 37-46 .
Wang, Fang. "Smart System Resource Coordination Algorithm Based on 6G Technology." Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering, 2022 (2022).
Redmond, Rachel. Social Media and Strategic Culture: An Analysis of Russian Information Warfare in the Twenty-First Century In Department of Political Science, Concentration TransAtlantic Studies. Vol. Master of Arts. Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina, 2022.
Zenggang, Xiong, Zeng Mingyang, Zhang Xuemin, Zhu Sanyuan, Xu Fang, Zhao Xiaochao, Wu Yunyun, and Li Xiang. "Social Similarity Routing Algorithm based on Socially Aware Networks in the Big Data Environment ." Journal of Signal Processing Systems (2022).
Hytönen, Eveliina, Amir Trent, and Harri Ruoslahti. "Societal Impacts of Cyber Security in Academic Literature: Systematic Literature Review." In 21st European Conference on Cyber Warfare and Security., 2022.
Ivančík, Radoslav. "Specific Education of Students of The Academy of Police Force in the Field of Security Management." In Medzinárodná vedecká konferencia „Nové trendy profesijnej prípravy v Ozbrojených silách“. Liptovský Mikuláš, 2022.
Hillman, Velislava. The State of Cybersecurity in Education: Voices from the EdTech Sector. London: Media@LSE, London School of Economics and Political Science ("LSE"), 2022.
Krisnata, Rachmanu, Agus H. S. Reksoprodjo, and Surryanto Djoko Waluyo. "Strategi Pengembangan Kapabilitas Siber Pertahanan Untuk Menghadapi Peperangan Siber (Studi Kasus Pada Pushansiber Kemhan Ri 2020-2021)." NUSANTARA : Jurnal Ilmu Pengetahuan Sosial 9, no. 6 (2022).
Nikolic, Nebojsa. "Strategic Management Methods in Support of Defence Preparation against Hybrid Warfare." Hungarian Defence Review 1-2 (2022).
Valliou, Maria, Alexandros Chronis, Panos Kotsampopoulos, Bahaa Eltahawy, Tero Vartiainen, Mike Mekkanen, Andrejs Romānovs, Jana Bikovska, Jānis Pekša, Rūta Pirta-Dreimane et al. Strategy for Cybersecurity Education in Smart Grids In Cybersecurity Curricula Recommendations for Smart Grids (CC-RSG) Erasmus+ Strategic Partnership Project., 2022.
Ashraf, Imran, Yongwan Park, Soojung Hur, Sung Won Kim, Roobaea Alroobaea, Yousaf Bin Zikria, and Summera Nosheen. "A Survey on Cyber Security Threats in IoT-Enabled Maritime Industry." IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems (2022): 1-14.
Karagiannis, Stylianos. Systematic Design, Deployment and Evaluation of Gamified Cybersecurity Learning Environments In Department of Informatics. Corfu, Greece: Ionian University, 2022.
Mwim, Emilia N., and Jabu Mtsweni. Systematic Review of Factors that Influence the Cybersecurity Culture In HAISA 2022: Human Aspects of Information Security and Assurance., 2022.
Tibor, Serbakov Márton. A szélsőséges terrorista csoportok internethasználatának elemzése. Vol. PHD. Egyetem Pécsi Tudományegyetem, 2022.
Tortorella, Guilherme, Paulo A. Cauchic Miguel, Enzo Frazzon, Alberto Portioli-Staudacher, and Maneesh Kumar. "Teaching and learning of industry 4.0: expectations, drivers, and barriers from a knowledge management perspective." Knowledge Management Research & Practice (2022).
