
Export 21414 results:
Shin, Nina, and Sangwook Park. "Supply Chain Leadership Driven Strategic Resilience Capabilities Management: A Leader-Member Exchange Perspective." Journal of Business Research 122 (2021): 1-13.
Apostolidis, Kyriakos D., and George A. Papakostas. "A Survey on Adversarial Deep Learning Robustness in Medical Image Analysis ." Electronics 10, no. 2132 (2021).
Hadwer, Ali Al, Madjid Tavanab, and Dan Gillis. "A Systematic Review of Organizational Factors Impacting Cloud-based Technology Adoption Using Technology-Organization-Environment Framework." Internet of Things (2021).
Hadwer, Ali Al, Madjid Tavan, Dan Gillis, and Davar Rezania. "A Systematic Review of Organizational Factors Impacting Cloud-based Technology Adoption Using Technology-Organization-Environment Framework." Internet of Things 15 (2021).
Sharkov, George, Christina Todorova, Georgi Koykov, and Georgi Zahariev. "A System-of-Systems Approach for the Creation of a Composite Cyber Range for Cyber/Hybrid Exercising." Information & Security: An International Journal 50, no. 2 (2021): 129-148 .
Martin, Sergio. Teaching and Learning Advances on Sensors for IoT. MDPI, 2021.
Riotto, Angela M.. "Teaching the Army Virtual Learning Tools to Train and Educate Twenty-First-Century Soldiers." Military Review (2021).
Zarate, Marcus. Technology Acceptance for Protecting Healthcare Data in the Presence of Rising Secure Sockets Layer/Transport Layer Security Communications: A Generic Qualitative Inquiry. Capella University, 2021.
Tekiyo Horei to Tousya no Kangaekata [Applicable Legislations to Line Co., Ltd. and Our Idea]. LINE Co., Ltd., 2021.
Nugroho, Larasmoyo, Hanifuddin M. Al-Fadl, Rika Andiarti, and Sastra Kusuma Wijaya. Testing of an infrared-based SACLOS guidance in a subsonic wind tunnel In AIP Conference Proceedings. Vol. 2366., 2021.
Popova, Albena. Tools for Managing an Airport Security System In IT4Sec Reports., 2021.
Spencer, A., P.E. Tarlow, V.G.B. Gowreesunkar, and S.W. Maingi. "Tourism Destination Management in a Post-Pandemic Context." In Tourism Security-Safety and Post Conflict Destinations., 2021.
Syed, Naeem Firdous, Syed W. Shah, RolandoTrujillo -Rasua, and Robin Doss. "Traceability in Supply Chains: A Cyber Security Analysis." Computers & Security (2021).
Mygal, Valeriy, Galyna Mygal, and Stanislav Mygal. "Transdisciplinary convergent approach - human factor ." Radioelectrnic and Computer Systems 4 (2021).
Makki, Muhammad, and Waseem Iftikhar. "Transformation in Political Economy of Post-conflict North Waziristan, Pakistan ." Journal of Asian and African Studies (2021).
Gogolewska, Agnieszka. "Transformation of State Security and Intelligence Services in Poland – A Job Still Unfinished." Connections: The Quarterly Journal 20, no. 1 (2021): 9-32.
Klaus, Matthias. "Trusting ICT Providers – Can Corporate Cyber Confidence-Building Measures Help?" Connections: The Quarterly Journal 20, no. 2 (2021): 21-31.
Trad, Ruslan. The Turkish press reports rumors that Bulgaria is in talks to buy six Bayraktar TB2 drones., 2021.
Khan, Shahid Mansoor, Mir Wali Shah, and Adnan Anwar. "Understanding Architectural Transformation: A Lesson for Young Architects." Global Social Sciences Review (GSSR) VI, no. I (2021): Winter 2021.
Cardoso, Joana I. Lacerda. Understanding Interoperability in the Co-Design of Cyber-Physical Systems: A Causal Graph-Based Method. Vol. Doctor. Stevens Institute of Technology, 2021.
Galieriková, Andrea, Matúš Materna, and Andrej Dávid. "Unlawful Acts in Maritime Transport & Civil Aviation: Nezakonite radnje u pomorskom prijevozu i civilnom zrakoplovstvu." Naše more 68, no. 3 (2021): 211-220.
Indrajit, Richardus Eko, Marsetio Marsetio, Rudy A. G. Gultom, Pujo Widodo, Resmanto W. Putro, Pantja Djati, Siswo Hadi, Budi Pramono, and Luhut Simbolon. Unraveling the Complexity of Developing a National Cyber Defense Sovereignty Policy: A Case Study of Indonesia In 2021 Sixth International Conference on Informatics and Computing (ICIC). Jakarta, Indonesia, 2021.
Bhana, Bhaveer, and Stephen Vincent Flowerday. "Usability of the login authentication process: passphrases and passwords." Information and Computer Security (2021).
Jean-Pierre, Jermaine Jewel. User Awareness and Knowledge of Cybersecurity and the Impact of training in the Commonwealth of Dominica . Vol. Doctoral Dissertation. Walden University , 2021.
Slavchev, Veselin. "Using Cyber Ranges in Cybersecurity Management Educational Programmes." Information & Security: An International Journal 50, no. 2 (2021): 161-168 .
