
Export 21402 results:
Owens, Katherine. AI will now have input in Air Force decision-making. Defense Systems, 2017.
Eliseev, Alexandr, and Alexandr Prygunov. "Algorithm for Controlling Parameters of Linear Filter Based on Fuzzy Expert System." In XIII International Scientific-Technical Conference “Dynamic of Technical Systems” (DTS-2017) ., 2017.
Schueffel, Patrick. Alternative distributed ledger technologies Blockchain vs. Tangle vs. Hashgraph-A high-level overview and comparison In Tangle vs. Hashgraph-A High-Level Overview and Comparison., 2017.
"Ambitious Framwork Nation: Germany in NATO. Bundeswehr Capability Planning and the 'Framework Nations Concept'." SWP Comments (German Institute for International and Security Affairs) 35 (2017).
Amri-Sonderermittler klagt über Probleme bei der Akteneinsicht. Der Tagesspiegel online, 2017.
Izzati, Berlian Maulidya. Analisis Pengaruh Kualitas Layanan Publik E-Government (Government to Citizen) Terhadap Penciptaan Public Value (Studi Kasus: Kota Surabaya) In Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember. Vol. Masters thesis., 2017.
Prakash, A.. "Analysis of the Modern Techniques and Methods on Credit Card Fraud Detection." International Journal for Research in Science Engineering and Technology 4, no. 6 (2017).
Ukraine, The State Emer. Analytical review of the state of technogenic and natural safety in Ukraine for 2016., 2017.
Young, Thomas-Durell. Anatomy of Post-Communist European Defense Institutions: The Mirage of Military Modernity. Bloomsbury Academic, 2017.
Lutz, Martin, and Constanze Reuscher. Anis Amri soll regelmäßig Drogen genommen haben. Welt online, 2017.
Zhao, Hao, Yaokai Feng, Hiroshi Koide, and Kouichi Sakurai. An ANN Based Sequential Detection Method for Balancing Performance Indicators of IDS In Seventh International Symposium on Computing and Networking (CANDAR). Nagasaki, Japan, 2017.
Bertolino, Antonia, and Lata Nautiyal. "Annotated buzzwords and key references for software testing in the cloud." In International Conference on Computing, Communication and Automation (ICCCA). Greater Noida, India, 2017.
Annual Report on the Status of Defense and the Armed Forces. Sofia: Council of Ministers, 2017.
Triepels, Ron, Hennie Daniels, and Ronald Heijmans. Anomaly Detection in Real-Time Gross Settlement Systems In Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS 2017). Vol. 1., 2017.
Anschlag in Berlin – weitere Manipulationen an Akte Amri. Zeit online, 2017.
Bunina, Anastasiia, Oleksandr T. Azimov, and Yelyzaveta M. Dorofey. "Application of geoinformation approach to the study of secondary migration of the pollutants from the industrial pollution sources." In 16th EAGE Int. Conf. on Geoinformatics – Theoretical and Applied Aspects., 2017.
Zaslavskyi, Volodymyr, Kateryna Krasovska, and Maya Pasichna. "Application of the Method of Analysis of Hierarchies in Solving the Problem of Diversification of the Composition of the Portfolio of Electricity Generation." Visnyk Kyivskoho universytetu, Seriia: Fizyko-matematychni nauky 2 (2017): 123-131.
Senthilnath, J., Manasa Kandukuri, Akanksha Dokania, and Ramesh Kestur. "Application of UAV Imaging Platform for Vegetation Analysis Based on Spectral-Spatial Methods." Computers and Electronics in Agriculture 140 (2017): 8-24.
Korchenko, Oleksandr, Svitlana Kazmirchuk, and Berik Akhmetov. Applied Information Security Assessment Systems. TsP Komprynt, 2017.
Perez-Soltero, Alonso, Leon Moreno, Mario Barcelo-Valenzuela, and Juan Alfredo Li Gamiño. "An Approach Based on Knowledge Management for the Use of ICTs in Mexican SMEs." IUP Journal of Knowledge Management 15, no. 4 (2017): 7-23.
Khlaponin, Yurii, and Olha Izmailova. "Approach to Ensure Protection of Corporate Information Systems in Construction." Upravlinnia rozvytkom sklad¬nykh system 31 (2017): 126-131.
Shalamanov, Velizar. Appropriate Roles of the Military and Governmental Institutions in Protecting Cyber Aspects of Critical Infrastructure and Critical Information Infrastructure., 2017.
Arab Multidimensional Poverty Report. United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia, 2017.
Arab Multidimensional Poverty Report. United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia, 2017.
Duda, Sebastian. "Arbitration in Vienna dismissed the claim of the company Mr. Deripaska to Montenegro." Russia News Today (2017).
