
Export 21393 results:
Risk management – Principles and Guidelines In ISO ., 2009.
Lubenov, Tudor, Ivan Marinov, and Emiliya Velizarova. "Risk of Flooding: Activities, Parameters and Regional Peculiarities (Case study: Varbitsa watershed basin, Bulgaria)." Glasnik Srpskog geografskog drustva 89, no. 4 (2009).
Quinn-Judge, Paul. "The Risk to U.S. Supply Lines." The Wall Street Journal (2009).
Palazov, Atanas, and Hristo Stanchev. "Risks for the Population along the Bulgarian Black Sea Coast from Flooding Caused by Extreme Rise of Sea Level." Information & Security: An International Journal 24 (2009): 65-75.
"Road Blocks: No Easy Routes into Afghanistan." The Economist (2009).
Marwah, Ved. "The Role of India’s Police in Combating Terrorism." In Combating Terrorism, 80-97. New Delhi: Viking, 2009.
Medvedev, Dmitry. Rossiaya vpered!., 2009.
Luzyanin, Sergey. Rossiya i Kitai v Evrazii: Mezhdunarodno-regional’nyye izmereniya rossiisko-kitaiskogo partnerstva. (Moscow: ID “Forum”, 2009.
Patil, Pradeep M., and Jayant V. Kulkarni. "Rotation and Intensity Invariant Shoeprint Matching Using Gabor Transform with Application to Forensic Science." Pattern Recognition 42, no. 7 (2009): 1308-1317.
Nibouche, Omar, Ahmed Bouridane, M. Gueham, and Moussadek Laadjel. Rotation Invariant Matching of Partial Shoeprints In 13th International Machine Vision and Image Processing Conference., 2009.
Gower, Jackie, and Graham Timmins. Russia and Europe in the Twenty-First Century: An Uneasy Partnership. London: Anthem Press, 2009.
"Russia and NATO Reach a New Level." Rosbalt (2009).
Flook, Kara. Russia and the Cyber Threat. American Enterprise Institute Critical Threats, 2009.
Tardieu, Jean-Philippe. Russia and the “Eastern Partnership” after the War in Georgia. IFRI - Russia/NIS Center, 2009.
Russia, Austria Urge States to Expedite South Stream Deal. RIA Novosti, 2009.
Kramer, David J.. The Russia Challenge: Prospects for US-Russian Relations In Policy Brief. Washington, D.C.: The German Marshall Fund, 2009.
Russia, China Agree on West Siberia, Far East Gas Supplies. RIA Novosti, 2009.
"Russia, Croatia to Sign South Stream Deal in 2010." The Journal of Turkish Weekly (2009).
Kramer, Andrew E.. "Russia Gas Pipeline Heightens East Europe’s Fears." New York Times (2009).
Russia Has no Alternative to Sevastopol Base—Naval Expert., 2009.
Paramonov, Vladimir, Aleksey Strokov, and Oleg Stolpovski. Russia in Central Asia: Policy, Security and Economics. Hauppauge, NY: Nova Science Publishers, 2009.
Trenin, Dmitri. "Russia in the Caucasus: Reversing the Tide." The Brown Journal of World Affairs 15, no. 2 (2009): 131-142.
Tsygankov, Andrey P.. "Russia in the Post-Modern World: The End of the Normalization Paradigm?" Post-Soviet Affairs 25, no. 4 (2009): 347-369.
Blagov, Sergei. "Russia Resumes Electricity Exports to China." Eurasia Daily Monitor 6, no. 65 (2009).
Malek, Martin. "Russia’s Asymmetric Wars in Chechnya since 1994." Connections: The Quarterly Journal 8, no. 4 (2009): 81-98.
