
Export 21393 results:
Chernyshuk, Sergiy V.. "Metodyka vyjavlennja kibernetychnyh zagroz u pryrodnomovnyh tekstah." Problemy stvorennja, vyprobuvannja, zastosuvannja ta ekspluatacii skladnyh informacijnyh system 8 (2013): 112-121.
Vietti, Francesca. Migrants in Search of Human Security: Reflections on the Lampedusa Tragedies by an Italian Red Cross Field Officer., 2013.
Mikhail Prokhorov proposes creating a conglomerate of the RF, Europe and Japan. Vol. 11 December 2013. Russkaya sluzhba novostey (Russian News Service), 2013.
Mikhail Prokhorov: Stalin has ‘arisen’ and become a participant in today’s political life. Vol. 20 July 2013. Official website of Civic Platform, 2013.
Milestones: 1953-1960, Suez Crisis 1956. U.S. Department of State, 2013.
Milestones: 1961-1968, Arab-Israeli War of 1967. U.S. Department of State, 2013.
Milestones: 1969-1976. The 1973 Arab-Israeli War. U.S. Department of State, 2013.
"Military Aircraft Update: Northrop F-5/T-38." Aviation Week & Space Technology (2013).
Danyk, Yuriy G., D. Ishchenko, and O. Manko. "Military Aspects of Advanced Technological Systems’ Classification." S.Korolov Zhytomyr Military Institute Scientific Journal 8 (2013): 5-13.
zurLippe, Jan-Hendrik C.. Military Compensation in the Armenian Armed Forces: Life Cycle Cost Model for the Armenian Army In MBA professional report. Monterey, California: Naval Postgraduate School, 2013.
Minister’s Vision 2013–2014. Tbilisi: Ministry of Defense of Georgia, 2013.
Hodges, Jacob R.. Mobile Learning Environment (MoLE) Project: A Global Technology Initiative., 2013.
Mobile Threat Report. F-Secure Lab, 2013.
Tagarev, Todor. On the modalities of Ukraine’s cooperation with Euro-Atlantic partners in addressing future security threats and challenges In CSDM Views. Sofia: Centre for Security and Defence Management, 2013.
Strongwater, Alison. Modern Mercenaries: Threat or Savior?., 2013.
He, Xiaofan, Ratnasingham Tharmarasa, Thia Kirubarajan, and Michel Pelletier. "Modified Murty's Algorithm for Diverse Multitarget Top Hypothesis Extraction." IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems 49, no. 1 (2013): 602-610.
He, Xiaofan, Ratnasingham Tharmarasa, Thia Kirubarajan, and Michel Pelletier. "Modified Murty's Algorithm for Diverse Multitarget Top Hypothesis Extraction." IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems 49, no. 1 (2013).
Weisman, Jonathan. "Momentum builds against NSA surveillance." New York Times (2013).
Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing through Trade in Diamonds. Paris: FATF, 2013.
Renaud, Karen, and Wendy Goucher. "Monkey See – Money Take Photo: The Risk of Mobile Information Leakage." International Journal of Cyber Warfare and Terrorism 3, no. 4 3, no. 4 (2013).
Krcic, Esad. Montenegrin Aluminum Plant’s Woes Cast Geopolitical Shadow. Radio Free Europe, 2013.
Zouitni, Hammad. The Moroccan Sahara Issue from the Independence of Morocco to the Present Day. Centre Marocain Interdisciplinaire des Études Stratégiques et Internationales, 2013.
El-Rashidi, Sarah. Morsi’s Failures in Sinai: A Cautionary Tale. EgyptSource blog, on the Atlantic Council website, 2013.
"Moscow Demands Extradition of the Detained Terrorist from Georgia." Georgia Times (2013).
Fedorchenko, Andrey. The Motherland of the Arab Spring and the Process of Islamicization. MGIMO University, 2013.
