
Export 21393 results:
"Strategic Defense Review." Official Gazette 101/13 (2013).
Missiroli, Antonio. Strategic Foresight and the EU. Paris: EU Institute for Security Studies, 2013.
Zakheim, Dov S.. "The Strategic Implications of a Freefalling U.S. Defense Budget." The American Interest (2013): 43-51.
Keohane, Daniel. Strategic Priorities for EU Defence Policy In FRIDE Policy Brief., 2013.
Georgiev, Venelin. Strategy Maps and Balanced Scorecard - used for Assessing the Activities of the Entities in the BAS In IT4Sec Reports. Sofia: Institute of Information and Communication Technologies, 2013.
Strategy of Development of the National Security System of the Republic of Poland 2022. Ministry of National Defence, 2013.
Strategy of Information Society Development in Ukraine. Web Portal of Ukrainian Government, Resolution of Ukrainian Government 386-р, 2013.
Strategy of the Ministry of Interior 2014 – 2016., 2013.
Schat-Eppers, Nicolai. Strategy or No Strategy: Explaining the Absence of a Danish National Security Strategy. Vol. Master's thesis. Fort Leavenworth, Kansas: U.S. Army Command and General Staff College, 2013.
Saez, Emmanuel. Striking it Richer: The Evolution of Top Incomes in the United States., 2013.
Miao, Jin-ming, and Qiang Wang. "Study on corrosion failure risk assessment method for urban buried gas steel pipeline." China Safety Science Journal 23, no. 7 (2013): 49-54.
Xia, Zhang, and Zhou Wei-guo. "Study on FMEA of city gas transmission and distribution pipeline network based on correlation operator." China Safety Science Journal 23, no. 7 (2013): 139-142.
Lindsay, Jon R.. "Stuxnet and the Limits of Cyber Warfare." Security Studies 22, no. 3 (2013): 365-404.
Langner, Ralph. "Stuxnet’s Secret Twin." Foreign Policy (2013).
Kashin, Vasiliy B.. The sum of all fears, Russia in global politics In Russia in Global Politics. Vol. 1 May 2013., 2013.
Byuzen, Toni. Supermyishlenie. OOO “Popurri", 2013.
Urciuoli, Luca, Toni Männistö, Juha Hintsa, and Tamanna Khan. "Supply Chain Cyber Security – Potential Threats." Information & Security: An International Journal 29, no. 1 (2013): 51-68.
Gardner, Timothy S.. "Synthetic Biology: From Hype to Impact." Trends in Biotechnology 31, no. 3 (2013): 123-125.
Yan, Holly. Syria Allies: Why Russia, Iran and China are Standing by the Regime., 2013.
Fitton, Oliver, and Mark Lacy. "The Syrian Electronic Army Is Rewriting the Rules of War." The Conversation (2013).
Jones, Adam. "Syrian Electronic Army Turns on Assad Regime." Seczine: Security Magazine (2013).
Ioannidis, S., M. Stamatogiannakis, and Th. Petsas. SysSec Deliverable D7.3 In Advanced Report on Cyberattacks on Lightweight Devices., 2013.
Mortati, M.. Systemic Aspects of Innovation and Design: The Perspective of Collaborative Networks. Cham, Switzerland: Springer, 2013.
Schmitt, Michael N.. Tallinn Manual on the International Law Applicable to Cyber Warfare . New York: Cambridge University Press, 2013.
Schmitt, Michael N.. Tallinn Manual on the International Law Applicable to Cyber Warfare. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2013.
