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Trauthig, Inga Kristina. " ‘This is the fate of Libyan women:’ contempt, ridicule, and indifference of Seham Sergiwa." Conflict, Security & Development 24, no. 2 (2024): 149-173.
Kurakcı, Aslı Büşra. Uluslararası hukukta müdahale kavramı: Güney Osetya ve Kırım'a düzenlenen müdahalelerin karşılaştırması. Vol. Doctor. Ocak: Sakarya Üniversitesi, 2024.
Manfredi, Juan Luis. "Unfair Competition: How States Use Disinformation to Exercise Public Diplomacy." International Journal of Communication 18 (2024): 1426-1448.
Lefteratos, Alexandros. "The unintended consequences of the EU’s engagement in contested states: the case of Cyprus." Southeast European and Black Sea Studies (2024).
Çati, Kahraman. United Nations Office for Disarmament Affairs (UNODA) Addressing the Issue of Terrorism-Arms-Crime Nexus in Central Asia., 2024.
Makar, Ramy Daniel. Unraveling the Pseudo Statehood of Lebanon: A Critique of Consociationalism in Lebanon. Vol. Doctor of Philosophy. Salve Regina University, 2024.
Bonacker, Thorsten. "Violent Conflict." In Central Asia in a Multipolar World: Internal Change, External Actors, Regional Cooperation. Switzerland AG: Springer, 2024.
Sambaluk, Nicholas Michael. Weaponizing Cyberspace: Inside Russia's Hostile Activities In Praeger Security International. Bloomsbury Publishing, 2024.
Битураев, Уктамжон Базар. "Германия Ташқи Сиёсатида Марказй Осиё Йўналиши." XXI Век: Вопросы науки и образования (2024).
Цуканов, Леонид Вячес. Сотрудничество монархий Персидского залива в области кибербезопасности: особенности, проблемы, тенденции In Кафедра востоковедения. Vol. кандидата политических наук. Екатеринбург: Уральский гуманитарный институт, 2024.
Kısa, Orhan. ABD'nın küresel güç olma stratejisinde NATO (1991-2016) In Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, Uluslararasi İlişkiler Anabilim Dali. Vol. Doktora Tezi. Edirne: Trakya Üniversitesi, 2023.
Kotakallio, Juho. Aktiivisien toimenpiteiden heijastumia In Kyberturvallisuus. Vol. tutkielma. Jyväskylä: Jyväskylän yliopisto, 2023.
Akhmedov, Erjan. "Alternative Routes for Deliveries of Kazakh Crude Oil Shipments to the European Union ." Acta Technica Jaurinensis 16, no. 3 (2023).
Lakshminarayanan, Radhika, and Tigran Yepremyan. "Armenia-India partnership: geopolitical and geo-economic implications in the Eurasian context." Asia Europe Journal 21 (2023): 81-100.
Furman, Ivo Ozan, Kurt Bilgin Gürel, and Fırat Berk Sivaslıoğlu. "“As Reliable as a Kalashnikov Rifle”: How Sputnik News Promotes Russian Vaccine Technologies in the Turkish Twittersphere." Social Media + Society (2023): 1-14.
Kurniasih, Dedeh, and Henny Nugrahani. "Benelux and European Union CFSP Security in Response to the Russia-Ukraine War ." Journal of Strategic and Global Studies 6, no. 1 (2023).
Mandi, Josip, and Darijo Klarić. "Case Study of the Russian Disinformation Campaign During the War in Ukraine – Propaganda Narratives." Goals and Impacts 24, no. 2 (2023).
Kun, Tamas, and Istvan Takacs. "The Change in Fertilizer Prices Due to the Russo-Ukraine War." Connections: The Quarterly Journal 22, no. 2 (2023): 91-104.
Zaenuri, Ahmad. "Classical and modern exegesis styles: The evolution of the development exegesis styles from classical and modern periods." Jurnal At-Tibyan Jurnal Ilmu Alqur`an dan Tafsir 8, no. 1 (2023): 20-38.
Matsaberidze, David. "Competing Strategies: The Russian Federation vs. the European Union and the United States through Georgia and Ukraine." Connections: The Quarterly Journal 22, no. 1 (2023): 53-66.
Lee, Benjamin. "Counter-narratives and strategic communications, offline and online." In The Routledge Handbook on Radicalisation and Countering Radicalisation. Routledge, 2023.
Greco, Ettore, Federica Marconi, and Irene Paviotti. Crisis and Geopolitical Reordering Covid-19 from a Comparative Perspective In REGROUP Research Paper No. 1., 2023.
Potiker, Spencer Louis. Cross-Border Mobility Regimes: Migration, Labor, and Supply Chain Urbanization in San Diego-Tijuana. Vol. Doctor of Philosophy in Global Studies. Irvine: University of California, 2023.
Nyarko, Diana Adjei, and Rose Cheuk-wai Fong. "Cyber Security Compliance Among Remote Workers." In Cybersecurity in the Age of Smart Societies. Advanced Sciences and Technologies for Security Applications, 343-369. Cham: Springer, 2023.
Antonova, Gergana, Niya Prisadashka, Radoslav Dimitrov, Ioan Yonkov, Daniel Radev, Hristo Pavlov, Mario Mladenov, and Ilian Grigorov. Cybercrime Strategy (modeling example) In IT4Sec Reports., 2023.
