
Export 21402 results:
Galindo, Fernando. Public Key Certification Providers and e-Government Assurance Agencies. An Appraisal of Trust on the Internet In 12th IEEE International Workshop on Database and Expert Systems Applications “On the Way to Electronic Government”. Munich, Germany, 2001.
Putin Delivers Summit Verdict. BBC News, 2001.
Tyler, Patrick E.. "Putin Sees Gain in US Distractions." The International Herald Tribune (2001).
Donzelli, Paolo, and Roberto Setola. "Putting the Customer at the Center of the IT System –A Case Study." In Euro-Web 2001 Conference – The Web in the Public Administration. Pisa, Italy, 2001.
S., Parsons. Qualitative Methods for Reasoning under Uncertainty. MIT Press, 2001.
Eggers, Joachim, and Bernd Girod. "Quantization Effects on Digital Watermarks." Signal Processing 81, no. 2 (2001).
Gardiner, Stephen M.. "The Real Tragedy of the Commons." Philosophy and Public Affairs 30, no. 4 (2001): 387-416.
Shepherd, H.A.. "On the Realization of Human Potential: A Path with a Heart." In The Organizational Behavior Reader. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall, 2001.
Pastore, Ferruccio. Reconciling the Prince's Two Arms: Internal-external security coordination in the European Union In Occasional Paper . Paris: Institute for Security Studies, 2001.
Barson, Michael, and Steven Heller. Red Scared!: The Commie Menace in Propaganda and Popular Culture. San Francisco, CA: Chronicle Books, 2001.
Sosay, Gül. Regional Security Challenges and Opportunities in the Balkans In International Seminar on Regional Security Challenges and Opportunities in the Balkans: Towards Harmonized Perceptions and Cooperative Security Studies . Istanbul: Center for European Studies, 2001.
Strikha, M.. "Regions in today’s Ukraine: consolidation or integration? (Регіони в Росії сьогоднішня Україна: консолідація чи інтеграція?)." Ukrains’kyi regional’nyi visnyk (2001): 22, 7.
Beyani, Chaloka, and Damian Lilly. "Regulating Private Military Companies – Options for the UK Government." International Alert (2001).
Beyani, Chaloka, and Damian Lilly. "Regulating Private Military Companies: Options for the UK Government." International Alert (2001).
Regulation of Operative Management of Emergencies for the State Police, No. 1604, dated December 22.12.2001., 2001.
Forte, David F.. "Religion is Not the Enemy." National Review Online (2001).
Moldaliev, O.. Religioznyi ekstremizm i mezhdunarodny terrorizm kak factory dastabilizatsii Tsentralnoy Azii (Religious Extremism and International Terrorism as Destabilization Factors in Central Asia). Almaty: Working Group on Central Asia, 2001.
Bush, George W.. Remarks by the President at Opening of NATO Meeting. Brussels, Belgium: NATO Headquarters, 2001.
Bush, George W.. Remarks, Warsaw University 2001., 2001.
Report of the U.K. Services Command and Staff College in 2001., 2001.
de Vans, David. Research Design in Social Research. London: Sage, 2001.
Resolution No. 939, Regulations of the Crisis Management Centre under the Ministry of National Defence., 2001.
"Results of socio-economic development in Ukraine in 2000 and tasks for 2001. Speech by President of Ukraine L.d. Kuchma at the session of the National Council on coordination of activities of national and regional bodies and of local self-government." Uriadovyi kur’er (2001): 5.
Hall, Robert, and Carl Fox. "Rethinking Security." NATO Review 49:4 (2001).
Macierewicz, Antoni. "The Revolution of Nihilism." Glos (2001).
