
Export 21393 results:
George, Gary R., and Frank Cardullo. Application of Neuro-Fuzzy Systems to Behavioral Representation in Computer Generated Forces In Eighth Conference on Computer Generated Forces and Behavioral Representation. Orlando FL: 575-585, 1999.
Gorbunov, A.. "Application of the Self-Organizing Map in Business and Finance." Bank Technologies 4 (1999): 34-40.
Binmore, K., and N. Vulkan. "Applying game theory to automated negotiation." In Netnomics 1-9. Baltzer Science Publishers BV, 1999.
Ronald, Roland. "Applying Modeling and Simulation to Enhance National and Multi-National Cooperation." Information & Security: An International Journal 3 (1999): 12-24.
Roland, Roland J.. "Applying modeling and simulations to enhance national and multi-national cooperation." Information and Security: An International Journal 3 (1999): 12-24.
Banks, Sheila B., and Martin R. Stytz. An Approach to Enhance Human Behavior Modeling for Computer-Generated Actors In Fourth International Simulation Technology and Training Conference (SimTecT ’99) . Melbourne, Australia, 1999.
Bessant, John, and Howard Rush. Approaches to Benchmarking: the case of ‘framework conditions’ and ICT-Os. Brighton, UK: Centre for Research in Innovation Management, University of Brighton, 1999.
Hilliard, R.. "Aspects, Concerns, Subjects, Views." In First Workshop on Multi- Dimensional Separation of Concerns in Object-Oriented Systems (OOPSLA’99)., 1999.
Zanders, Jean Pascal. "Assessing the Risk of Chemical and Biological Weapons Proliferation to Terrorists." Nonproliferation Review (1999).
Ji, X., and J. Xiao. Automatic generation of high-level contact state space In 1999 IEEE International Confеrence on Robotics and Automation., 1999.
Doyle, Jon, and Richmond H. Thomason. "Background to Qualitative Decision Theory." AI Magazine 20, no. 2 (1999).
Barry, Ambassador Robert. "Barry’s comments." Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung (1999).
Ben-David, Yosef. The Bedouin in Israel. Israel Ministry of Foreign Affairs, 1999.
Kawamura, Takahira, Tetsuo Hasegawa, Akihiko Ohsuga, and Shinichi Honiden. Bee-gent: Bonding and Encapsulation Enhancement Agent Framework for Development of Distributed Systems In Asia-Pacific Software Engineering Conference (APSEC 99)., 1999.
Behind the Kashmir Conflict: Abuses by the Indian Security Forces and Militant Groups Continue. Human Rights Watch, 1999.
Vickers, Miranda. Between Serbs and Albanians: A History of Kosovo. London, 1999.
Dess, Gregory G., and Joseph C. Picken. Beyond Productivity: How Leading Companies Achieve Superior Performance by Leveraging Their Human Capital. New York: American Management Association, 1999.
Griffin, Michele. "Blue Helmet Blues: Assessing the Trend Towards Subcontracting UN Peace Operations." Security Dialogue 30, no. 1 (1999): 48.
Barry, Tom, and Martha Honey. "Bombs Away: A Call for the Unconditional Ending of the Bombing Campaign." Foreign Policy in Focus 4, no. 13 (1999).
Bulgaria’s Way: A Book for the Partners – Our Vision, Our Will, Our Faith. Sofia: Ministry of Defense, 1999.
Bulgarian Defense Reform Study. Office of the Assistant Secretary of Defense for International Security Affairs and USEUCOM, 1999.
Semerdjiev, Emil, and Tzvetan Semerdjiev. "Bulgarian MSDF R&D National Program and Activities." Information & Security: An International Journal 2 (1999): 71-81.
Brooks, Doug. The Business End of Military Intelligence: Private Military Companies., 1999.
Nunn, Sam, Barnett R. Rubin, and Nancy Lubin. Calming the Ferghana Valley: Development and Dialogue in the Heart of Central Asia In Preventive Action Reports. New York: he Century Foundation Press, 1999.
Nicol, Heather. Canada, the U.S. and Cuba: Helms-Burton and Its Aftermath In Martello Paper. Vol. 21. Kingston: Queen's University Center for International Relations, 1999.
