
Export 21414 results:
Croatian National CERT. Early Warning System on the Internet(link is external)., 2015.
EC ECHO - Civil Protection(link is external)., 2015.
The Economic Consequences of Climate Change(link is external)., 2015.
Nawaz, Maajid. "The Education of “Jihadi John”." The New York Times (2015): A1.
von Deimling, Christian, Andreas H. Glas, and Michael Essig. "efense Management Research Capacities and Topics: Blind Spots in Defense Acquisition Management?" In International Public Procurement. Public Administration, Governance and Globalization, 89-127. Vol. 14. Cham: Springer, 2015.
Lybimov, Ivan. The Effect of Dictatorship(link is external) In Slon., 2015.
Keene, Shima. The Effective Use of Reserve Personnel in the U.S. Military: Lessons From the United Kingdom Reserve Model(link is external). Carlisle, PA: Strategic Studies Institute and U.S. Army War College Press, 2015.
Abbas, Nassim, Youcef Chibani, Arnaud Martin, and Florentin Smarandache. "The effective use of the DSmT for multi-class classification." In Advances and Applications of DSmT for Information Fusion. Vol. IV: Collected Works., 2015.
Redden, Shari Lynn. The Effectiveness of Combining Simulation and Role Playing in Nursing Education(link is external). Walden University, 2015.
Ben-Asher, Noam, and Cleotilde Gonzalez. "Effects of Cyber Security Knowledge on Attack Detection." Computers in Human Behavior 48 (2015): 51-61.
Ziemba, Ewa, Tomasz Papaj, and Maria Jadamus-Hacura. "E-Government Success Factors: A Perspective on Government Units." Issues in Information Systems 16, no. II (2015): 16-27.
EHO project(link is external)., 2015.
Persano, Marcelo Luis. El desarrollo de software en Sistemas Críticos para la Seguridad In Facultad de ciencias de la administración. Vol. Tesis para optar por el título de Ingeniero. Universitario Aeronáutico, 2015.
Elektro-Slovenija, d.o.o. (ELES)(link is external)., 2015.
Georgiev, Venelin. "Embedding affordability assessments in military cost-benefit analysis: Defense Modernization in Bulgaria." Military Cost–Benefit Analysis: Theory and practice 13 (2015).
Näswall, Katharina, Joana Kuntz, Morgana Hodliffe, and Sanna Malinen. Employee Resilience Scale (EmpRes) In Technical Report. New Zealand: Resilient Organisations Research Programme, 2015.
Marwan, Ardi. "Empowering English through Project-Based Learning with ICT." Turkish Online Journal of Educational Technology - TOJET 14, no. 4 (2015): 28-37.
The ENCS Red Team Blue Team Training for Industrial Control Systems and Smart Grid Cyber Security(link is external). 16. European Network for Cyber Security, 2015.
Encyclopedia Britannica(link is external)., 2015.
Jablokov, Il'ja. "Enemies, Traitors, Fifth Columns Russian Conspiracy Theories on the Ukraine Crisis." Osteuropa 65, no. 4 (2015): 99-+.
Manvelyan, Armen. Energy Security and Geopolitical Challenges in the Caucasus-Caspian Region . Yerevan, Armenia: Yerevan State University, 2015.
Enhancing Cyber Security(link is external) In EU Project., 2015.
Limaj, Besnik. Enhancing Cyber Security: the Challenges in FYROM, Kosovo and Moldova(link is external)., 2015.
ENISA - European Union Agency for Network Information Security(link is external)., 2015.
Blaine, M, J Sinovich, and SA Navy. "Ensuring the SADC Maritime Interest through Good Order at Sea." In Good Order at Sea: African Experiences. African Sun Media, 2015.
