
Export 21393 results:
Cordesman, Anthony H.. The War After the War: Strategic Lessons of Iraq and Afghanistan. Washington, D.C.: CSIS Press, 2004.
Ryan, Patrick. "War, Peace, or Stalemate: Wargames, Wardialing, Wardriving, and the Emerging Market for Hacker Ethics." Virginia Journal of Law & Technology 9, no. 7 (2004).
Micewski, Edwin R.. "Warriors and Civilization? The Education Of (Military) Leadership Personnel In A Postmodern World." Connections: The Quarterly Journal 3, no. 1 (2004): 67-73.
Weapons un- der scrutiny: Implementing arms export controls and combating small arms proliferation in Bulgaria , Edited by Philip Gounev, Bernardo Mariani, Larry Attree and Emil Tsenkov. Sofia: Center for the Study of Democracy and Saferworld, 2004.
Rennie, David, and Michael Smith. "Weary Special Forces Quit for Security Jobs." The Daily Telegraph (2004).
Booth, David, Francis McCabe, Chris Ferris, David Orchard, Hugo Haas, Eric Newcomer, and Michael Champion. "Web Services Architecture." W3C Working Group (2004).
Morningstar, Barbara, Jeremy Schubert, and Kristine Thibeault. WebCT: A Major Shift of Emphasis In Technical Evolution Report. Athabasca University, 2004.
Patten, Christopher. The Western Balkans: The Road to Europe In speech to the European Af-fairs Committee in Berlin., 2004.
Perito, Robert. Where is the Lone Ranger When We Need Him? America’s Role for a Post-conflict Stability Force. Washington D.C.: United States Institute of Peace Press, 2004.
Gruen, Madeleine. "White Ethnonationalist and Political Islamist Methods of Fund-raising and Propaganda on the Internet." In The Changing Face of Terrorism, ed. Rohan Gunaratna , 127. Singapore: Eastern Universities Press, 2004.
Biskupic, Joan. "White House memo criticized." USA Today (2004).
Coyne, Christopher, and Peter Leeson. "Who Protects Cyberspace." George Mason University, Department of Economics, Global Prosperity Initiative, 2004.
Kelman, Rabbi Jay. Why People Cheat., 2004.
Sornette, Didier. Why Stock Markets Crash: Critical Events in Complex Financial Systems. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2004.
Timirbayev, Vyacheslav. "Will we learn a lesson from the Ukrainian elections?" MSN Bishkek (2004).
Oudot, Laurent. Wireless Honeypot Countermeasures. Broadcom, 2004.
Van Ham, Peter. WMD Proliferation and Transatlantic Relations: Is a Joint Western Strategy Possible?. Netherlands Institute of International Relations (Clingendael Institute), 2004.
Ferguson, Niall. "A World Without Power." Foreign Policy 143 (2004): 32-39.
Weimann, Gabriel. – How Modern Terrorism Uses the Internet In Special Report. Washington, D.C.: United States Institute for Peace, 2004.
Blank, Stephen. Xinjiang and China’s Strategy in Central Asia. Asia Times Online, 2004.
LU, Eric Jui- Lin, and Rai-Fu Chen. "An XML Multisignature Scheme." Applied Mathematics and Computation 149, no. 1 (2004): 1-14.
Holley, David. "Yandarbiyev Killed by Car Bomb in Qatar." The Moscow Times (2004).
"Zakon Ukrai’ny “Pro derzhavni cil’ovi programy” [Law of Ukraine “On the State Special Programs”]." Vidomosti Verhovnoi’ Rady Ukrai’ny (VVR) 25 (2004): 352.
Geyer, Georg. "Zündschnur der Asymmetrie: Grundsätzliche Überlegungen zum Verhältnis von Politik, Massenkommunikation und Gesellschaft in asymmetrischen Konflikten." In Asymmetrische Kriegführung – ein neues Phänomen der Internationalen Politik (Asymmetric Warfare, a New Phenomenon of International Policy), 283-98. Baden-Baden: Nomos, 2004.
Коварский, Николай Никол. Военно-Политическая Интеграция ЕС: Направления, Формы, Методы In Политические проблемы международных отношений и глобального развития. Vol. Кандидат педагогических наук. Москва, 2004.
