
Export 21414 results:
Petty, Mikel D.. Computational Geometry Techniques for Terrain Reasoning and Data Distribution Problems in Distributed Battlefield Simulation(link is external). University of Central Florida, 1997.
Hirose, Shouichi, and Katsuo Ikeda. "A Conference Distribution System for the Star Configuration Based on the Discrete Logarithm Problem(link is external)." Information Processing Letters 62, no. 4 (1997): 189-192.
Wu, T.C.. "Conference Key Distribution System with User Anonymity Based on Algebraic Approach(link is external)." IEE Proceedings – Computers and Digital Techniques 144, no. 2 (1997): 145-148.
Darling, John R., and Christine E. Fogliasso. "Conflict Management in the Small Business Firm." Journal of Contemporary Business Issues 5, no. 1 (1997): 1-11.
Constitution of the Republic of Poland., 1997.
The Constitution of the Republic of Poland of 2nd April 1997. Dziennik Ustaw, 1997.
Skidmore, David. Contested Social Orders and International Politics. Nashville, TN: Vanderbilt University Press, 1997.
SCHILLER, GREGORY J., and Peter S. Maybeck. "Control of a Large Space Structure Using MMAE/ MMAC Techniques." IEEE Trans. on AES 33, no. 4 (1997): 1122-1130.
Patyi, Brig. Gen. Sánd, and Lt. Col. Lász Tóth. "Cooperation of Civilian and Military Structures in Crisis Management(link is external)." In Conference on Civil-Military Relations in the Context of an Evolving NATO. Budapest: MSZH Printing Office, 1997.
Ghenniwa, H.. Coordination in Cooperative Distributed Systems. Vol. PhD thesis. Ontario, Canada: University of Waterloo, Systems Design Engineering Department, 1997.
Belitser, N., and O. Bodruk. "The Crimea as a region of potential conflict (Крим як регіон потенційного конфлікту)." In Ethnic and religious conflicts in Eurasia (Етнічні та релігійні конфлікти в Євразії), 85. Vol. 2., 1997.
Rosenthal, U., and A. Kouzmin. Crises and Crisis Management: Toward Comprehensive Government Decision Making.. Leiden, The Netherlands: Leiden University, 1997.
Stern, Eric K.. "Crisis and Learning: A Conceptual Balance Sheet(link is external)." Journal of Contingencies and Crisis Management 5, no. 2 (1997): 69-86.
Murden, Simon. "Cultural Conflict in International Relations: The West and Islam(link is external)." In The Globalization of World Politics: An Introduction to International Relations. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1997.
Gibbons, John H.. Cybernation - The American Infrastructure in the Information Age. A Technical Primer on Risks and Reliability(link is external)., 1997.
Arquilla, John, and David F. Ronfeldt. Cyberwar is Coming(link is external)., 1997.
Gardner, Hall. Dangerous Crossroads. Westport, CT: Praeger, 1997.
Declaration by Arab League Foreign Ministers. Cairo, 1997.
Declaration by Ministers of Foreign Affairs and of Defense of Euroforces Member States. Paris, 1997.
Montalbano, William D.. "Defector Takes on the IRA(link is external)." Los Angeles Times (1997).
George, Paul. Defence Expenditures in the 1990s: Budget and Fiscal Policy Issues for Developing Countries(link is external) In Converting Defence Resources to Human Development. Bonn, 1997.
Donnely, Ch.. Defence Transformation in the New Democracies: A Framework for Tackling the Problem(link is external) In NATO Review. Vol. 45., 1997.
Donnelly, Christopher. "Defence Transformation in the New Democracies: A Framework for Tackling the Problem(link is external)." NATO Review 45 (1997): 15-19.
Donnelly, Chris. "Defense Transformation in the New Democracies: A Framework for Tackling the Problem(link is external)." NATO Review 45, no. 1 (1997): 15-19.
Lykke, Jr., Colonel Arthur F.. "Defining Military Strategy(link is external)." Military Review (1997): 183-86.
