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Mintzberg, Henry. The Rise and Fall of Strategic Planning(link is external). New York: Prentice Hall, 1994.
Mintzberg, Henry. "The Rise and Fall of Strategic Planning(link is external)." New York, NY: The Free Press (1994).
Tagarev, Todor, and Velizar Shalamanov. The Role of Education and Training in the Field of C4I(link is external) In AFCEA-Europe Budapest Seminar. Budapest, 1994.
Rwanda: Death, Defiance, Despair. London: African Rights, 1994.
Sako, Kazue, and Joe Killian. Secure Voting Using Partially Compatible Homomorphisms In Advances in Cryptology--CRYPTO’94, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 839. Berlin: Springer-Verlag, 1994.
Bandura, Albert. "Self-efficacy(link is external)." In Encyclopedia of Human Behavior, 77-81. Vol. 4. New York, NY: Academic Press, 1994.
Forrest, Stephanie, Alan S. Perelson, Lawrence Allen, and Rajesh Cherukuri. Self-Nonself Discrimination in a Com¬puter(link is external) In IEEE Symposium on Research in Security and Privacy. Oakland, CA, 1994.
Coen, Michael. SodaBot: A Software Agent Environment and Construction System(link is external). MIT AI Lab, 1994.
Genesereth, M.R., and A.P. Ketchpel. "Software agents." Communication of the ACM 37, no. 7 (1994): 48-53.
Tselkov, Veselin. A software security tools for information protection in PCs – “CS_SECURE_TOOLS (link is external) In First National Conferences “INFORMATIC’94. Sofia, Bulgaria: SAI, 1994.
S., Parsons. "Some qualitative approaches to applying Dempster-Shafer theory(link is external)." Information and Decision technologies 19 (1994): 321-337.
M.P., Wellman. Some varieties of qualitative probability(link is external) In 5th International Conference on Information Processing and the Management of Uncertainty. Paris France, 1994.
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Arquilla, John. "The Strategic Implications of Information Dominance(link is external)." Strategic Review 22 (1994): 22-34.
Robson, Wendy. Strategic Management and Information Systems: An Integrated Approach(link is external). Second ed. Essex, UK: Pearson Education Ltd., 1994.
Naim, M., and D. Towill. System Dynamics and Learning Curves In International System Dynamics Conference., 1994.
Nacos, Brigitte. Terrorism and the Media. New York: Columbia University Press, 1994.
Segal, Mady Wechsler. "Toward a Theory of Women in the Armed Forces: Applications to the Future." In Armed Forces at the Dawn of the Third Millenium. SOWI-Forum International, 347-368. Vol. 16. Munich: SOWI, 1994.
Ph., Smets, and Kennes R.. "The transferable Belief Model(link is external)." Artificial Intelligence 66, no. 2 (1994): 191-234.
Ilyin, Leonid A.. "Truth and Myth of Chernobyl (link is external)." In Fifteen Years after the Chernobyl Accident. Moscow, 1994.
Chawathe, S., H. Garcia-Molina, J. Hammer, K. Ireland, Y. Papakonstantinou, J. Ullman, and J. Widom. The TSIMMIS project: Integration of heterogeneous information sources In 10th IPSJ. Tokyo, Japan, 1994.
Picco, Giandomenico. "The U.N. and the Use of Force(link is external)." Foreign Affairs 73 (1994).
UN Security Council Document S/1994/1399(link is external) In UN General Assembly Document., 1994.
McCarthy, Kathleen. "Uncertainty is a Blessing, Not a Bane." APA Monitor (1994): 28.
Paoli, Letizia. "An Underestimated Criminal Phenomenon: The Calabrian ’Ndrangheta." European Journal of Crime, Criminal Law and Criminal Justice 2, no. 3 (1994): 212-38.
