
Export 21372 results:
Cyber War; The Warnings?. PBS Frontline, 2003.
Reiterer, Albert F.. Cyprus. Case study about a failure of ethno-national understanding . Frankfurt am Main, 2003.
Stuart, Julia. "Dark Side of Peacekeeping: Kofi Annan is Calling for UN Troops to be sent to Liberia." The Independent (2003).
Adomeit, Hannes. Das Militär in Tschetschenien: Hindernis auf dem Weg zu einer politischen Lösung In Diskussionspapier der Forschungsgruppe Russland., 2003.
Mény, Yves. "De la Democratie en Europe: Old Concepts and New Challenges." Journal of Common Market Studies 4, no. 1 (2003): 1-13.
Arkoun, Mohammed, and Joseph Maïla. De Manhattan à Bagdad – Au-delà du Bien et du Mal. Paris: Desclée de Brouwer, 2003.
Decision No. 531, dated August 1, 2003, on the “Organization, Functioning, Duties and Responsibilities of Civil Emergency Service”., 2003.
Decision No. 532, dated August 1, 2003 on the “Responsibilities and Duties of the Department of Planning for and Overcoming Civil Emergencies“., 2003.
Decision No. 533, dated August 1, 2003 on the “Involvement of Citizens in Prevention and Overcoming Civil Emergencies”., 2003.
Decision no. 95/2003 on the control of major accident hazards involving dangerous substances., 2003.
Declaration, EU–Western Balkans Summit, C/03/163 In EU–Western Balkans Summit, C/03/163. 10229/03 ed. Thessaloniki, 2003.
Defence and Security Sector Governance and Reform in South East Europe: Insights and Perspectives: A Self-Assessment Study., 2003.
Wang, Xiaofeng, and Michael K. Reiter. Defending Against Denial-of-Service Attacks with Puzzle Auctions In 2003 IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy., 2003.
Howorth, Jolyon, and John T. S. Keeler. Defending Europe: The EU, NATO and the Quest for European Autonomy. New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2003.
Girardin, Pascal. "Defense Academy Excellence Casualty Aversion In Tepid War." Connections: The Quarterly Journal 2, no. 1 (2003): 99-124.
Poincignon, Yann. "Defense Academy Excellence European Union Civilian Policing: Foreign Policy Action or Internal Security Tool." Connections: The Quarterly Journal 2, no. 2 (2003): 111-130.
Dolan, Michael P.. "The Defense Forces and the NGOs: A Cultural Collision or a Meeting of Minds?" Connections: The Quarterly Journal 2, no. 3 (2003): 125-153.
Boudinova, Bisserka. "Defense Resource Management Simulation in the Bulgarian Ministry of Defense." Information & Security: An International Journal 12 (2003): 276-284.
Brodeur, J.-P., J.P Brodeur, P. Gill, and D. Töllborg. Democracy, Law and Security: Internal Security Services in Contemporary Europe. Aldershot: Ashgate, 2003.
The Departure of Russian Peacekeepers Increases the Risk of Civil War. Vol. 14 January 2003. Vesti.Ru, 2003.
Baader, Franz, Diego Calvanese, Daniele Nardi, Peter Patel-Schneider, and Deborah McGuinness. "The Description Logic Handbook: Theory, Implementation and Applications." Cambridge: Cambridge University Press (2003).
Wang, Shen-Zheng, and Hsi-Jian Lee. Detection and Recognition of License Plate Characters with Different Appearances In IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems. Shanghai, China, 2003.
Menon, Vijay. Deterministic Primality Testing - understanding the AKS algorithm., 2003.
Morgan, Patrick. Deterrence Now. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, 2003.
"Deutsche Aussenpolitik im 21. Jahrhundert. Vorschläge des ‘Arbeitskreises Junger Aussen-politiker'." Zukunftforum Politik 53 (2003).
