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Střítecký, Vít. "Doing More for Less: V4 Defence Cooperation in a Time of Austerity." The Polish Quarterly of International Affairs 21, no. 4 (2012): 65-82.
Johnson, Andrew. "Don’t Work with This Dictatorship, London Metropolitan University Told." Islington Tribune (2012).
van Beusekom, Marcella. ‘A door neither closed nor open’: Een onderzoek naar de betrekkingen tussen Oekraïne en de Europese Unie, 2004-2010 In Graduate School for Humanities. Universiteit van Amsterdam, 2012.
Doubts over Real Target of Uzbek ‘terror’ Blast. Bishkek: Times of Central Asia, 2012.
Tagarev, Todor. On the draft law on the management and the functioning of the system for protecting national security In CSDM Views . Sofia: Centre for Security and Defence Management, 2012.
Tarand, Indrek. Draft report by MEP . MEP, 2012.
Karabeliova, Sonya. Dynamics of Value Organizations and Cultural Practices in the Bulgarian Socio-Cultural Context [Dinamika na tsennostnite organizatsii i kulturnite praktiki v bulgarskiya sotsiokulturen kontekst]. Vol. Resume of dissertation. Sofia: University “Sv. Kliment Okhridski, 2012.
Eastern Partnership: A Roadmap to the Autumn 2013 Summit. European Commission, 2012.
Hua, Jian, and Sanjay Bapna. "The economic impact of cyber terrorism." The Journal of Strategic Information Systems (2012).
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Barrett, Jim. "Education for Reform: New Students, New Methods, New Assessments." Connections: The Quarterly Journal 11, no. 4 (2012): 34-42.
Kostova, Nevena. Effective Aviation Transport Security Management through a Balanced Scorecard In It4Sec Reports. Institute of Information and Communication Technologies, 2012.
van den Homberg, M, R Pieneman, and J van de Kuijt. Effectiveness of a Multi-Stage Collaboration Network for Early Integration of Multiple Perspectives on Emerging and Future Crises., 2012.
Rana, Nripendra P., Yogesh K. Dwivedi, and Michael D. Williams. "E-Government Adoption Research: Analysing challenges and Critical Success Factors." In European, Mediterranean & Middle Eastern Conference on Information Systems (EMCIS2012). Munich, Germany, 2012.
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Egyptian Border Guards Killed in Sinai Attack. Al Jazeera, 2012.
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Electricity Projects on Top of Ahmadinejad’s Agenda. News, 2012.
Zulean, M., and G. Prelipcean. "Emergency preparedness in Romania: Dynamics, shortcomings and policy proposals." In Technological Forecasting and Social Change., 2012.
Zyga, Ioanna-Nikoletta. Emerging Security Challenges: A Glue for NATO and Partners?. NATO Defense College, 2012.
Andres, Richard B.. "The Emerging Structure of Strategic Cyber Offense, Cyber Defense, and Cyber Deterrence." Cyberspace and National Security: Threats, Opportunities, and Power in a Virtual World (2012): 89-104.
Souleimanov, Emil. Emil Souleimanov’s personal interview with an officer in the Ministry of the Interior of Dagestan. Chechnya, 2012.
Holland, Benjamin Robert. Enabling Open Source Intelligence (OSINT) in private social networks. Iowa: Iowa State University, 2012.
