
Export 21402 results:
Strengthening Transatlantic Security: A U.S. Strategy for the 21st Century. Washington, DC: Department of Defense, 2000.
Waltz, Kenneth N.. "Structural Realism after the Cold War." International Security 25 (2000): 37.
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Daqing, Wei. "On the Sudden Emergence of Military Websites." Zhongguo Guofang Bao (2000).
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Paret, Benito Diaz. Tacit and Formal Knowledge and Learning in Small Business: An Exploratory Study on the Perceptions of Successful Businessmen In 4th International Conference on Technology Policy and Innovation. Curitiba, Brazil, 2000.
McKay, Paul, and Jack Aubray. "A Tale of Two Export Banks." Ottawa Citizen (2000): A4.
Povolotskaia, L.. "Tax amnesty awaits Ukraine (Податкова амністія чекає на Україну)." Fakty (2000): 7.
Gordon, Philip. "Their Own Army?" Foreign Affairs 79, no. 4 (2000): 14.
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Calkins, Mary M.. "They Shoot Trojan Horses, Don’t They? An Economic Analysis of Anti-Hacking Regulatory Models." Georgia Law Journal 89, no. 171 (2000): 214-217.
McGann, James G., and Kent R. Weaver. Think Tanks and Civil Societies: Catalysts for Ideas and Action. New Brunswick, NJ: Transaction Publications, 2000.
Weiguang, Shen. The Third World War—Total Information War . Xinhua Publishing House, 2000.
Maier, Karl. This House Has Fallen . London: Penguin Books, 2000.
Lin, Chun-Li, Tzonelih Hwang, and Hung-Min Sun. "Three-Party Encrypted Key Exchange: Attacks and a Solution." ACM Operating Systems Review 34, no. 4 (2000): 12-20.
Rember, Bruce W.. Tools for Transformation: The Military Requirements Process. Hoover Institution, Stanford University, 2000.
Witterbrood, Cees. "Towards a partnership with the countries of the Eurasian corridor." Insight Turkey 2, no. 3 (2000): 11-21.
Moskos, Charles C.. "Towards a Postmodern Military: The United States as a Paradigm." In The Postmodern Military. Armed Forces After the Cold War. New York: Oxford University Press, 2000.
Kettl, Donald F.. "The Transformation of Governance: Globalization, Devolution, and the Role of Government." Public Administration Review 60, no. 60 (2000): 488-97.
Li, Xin, and Hong Heather Yu. Transparent and Robust Audio Data Hiding in Spectrum Domain In International Conference on Information Technology: Coding and Computing., 2000.
Camacho, David, Jose Manuel Molina, and Daniel Borrajo. Travelplan: A multiagent system to solve web electronic travel problems In Workshop on Agent-Based Recommender Systems. Fourth International Conference on Autonomous Agents . Barcelona, Catalonia Spain, 2000.
Rouleau, Eric. "Turkey's Dream of Democracy." Foreign Affairs 79, no. 6 (2000): 100-113.
Walt, Stephen M.. "Two Cheers for Clinton’s Foreign Policy." Foreign Affairs (2000): 77.
