
Export 21393 results:
Live Blog: Syria crisis, UN chemical weapons team leaves Syria paving way for attack. Haaretz, 2013.
Skoczylis, Joshua J.. The local prevention of terrorism in strategy and practice: ‘Contest’ a new era in the fight against terrorism In School of Law,. Vol. PhD in Law. The University of Leeds, 2013.
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Bright, Peter. "Locking the bad guys out with asymmetric encryption." Ars Technica (2013).
Lone Mujahid Pocketbook. Al-Malahem Media, 2013.
A Look at DEA Agent 'Kiki' Camarena's Murder. Fox News You Tube Channel, 2013.
Ginty, Roger Mac. "Look Who’s Talking, Dialogue and Conflict Transformation." Critical Studies on Terrorism 6, no. 1 (2013): 219.
"Looking Forward: U.S. National Security Beyond the Wars." In Conference organized by the Center for a New American Security, 56-63. Vol. 189 ., 2013.
Malta Police Force Organizational Chart., 2013.
Niemiec, Marcin, and Andrzej R. Pach. "Management of security in quantum cryptography." IEEE Communications Magazine 51, no. 8 (2013): 36-41.
Tagarev, Todor. Management Priorities of the Minister of Defence of the Republic of Bulgaria in the 2013 Caretaker Government In CSDM Views. Sofia: Centre for Security and Defence Management, 2013.
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Oppel, Richard, and Jess Bidgood. "Marathon Bombing Suspect, in First Court Appearance, Pleads Not Guilty." The New York Times (2013).
Zemmari, Reda, Martina Daun, Michael Feldmann, and Ulrich Nickel. "Maritime Surveillance with GSM Passive Radar: Detection and Tracking of Small Agile Targets." In 14th International Radar Symposium. Dresden, Germany, 2013.
Martial Law over Flood in Germany. Military Is Deploying In 3 States By Now. Investment-Watch, 2013.
McAfee Lab Threat Report: Third Quarter 2013. McAfee, 2013.
Marufu, Anesu M. C., and Khulumani Sibanda. "An M-Commerce Security Framework for ICT4D Contexts." In Southern Africa Telecommunication Networks and Applications Conference (SATNAC) 2013. Spier Wine Estate, Stellenbosch, Western Cape, South Africa, 2013.
Goure, Daniel. The Measure of a Superpower: A Two Major Regional Contingency Military for the 21st Century In National Security and Defense, Special Report. Washington D.C.: The Heritage Foundation, 2013.
Baiocchi, Dave. Measuring Army Deployments to Iraq and Afghanistan. Santa Monica, CA: RAND Corporation, 2013.
Archetti, Cristina. "Media Impact on Diplomatic Practice." In International Diplomacy. London: SAGE, 2013.
Simpson, Conor. "Meet the Man Who Supplied Tamerlan Tsarnaev with Right Wing Literature." The Atlantic Wire (2013).
Meeting of the Valday International Discussion Club. Vol. 19 September 2013. Official website of the President of Russia, 2013.
Sparks, Doug. "MEMS pressure and flow sensors for automotive engine management and aerospace applications." In MEMS for Automotive and Aerospace Applications, 78-105. Woodhead Publishing Series in Electronic and Optical Materials, 2013.
Schäfer, Rita. Men as Perpetrators and Victims of Armed Conflicts: Innovative Projects Aimed at Overcoming Male Violence. Vienna: VIDC – Vienna Institute for International Dialogue and Cooperation, 2013.
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