
Export 21393 results:
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Corman, Steven R., Angela Trethewey, and Bud Goodall. A 21st Century Model for Communication in the Global War of Ideas. Consortium for Strategic Communication, Arizona State University, 2007.
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Gabriëlse, Robbert. "A 3D Approach to Security and Development." Connections: The Quarterly Journal 6 (2007): 67-73.
Giampietri, Luis. 41 Seconds to Freedom: An Insider’s Account of the Lima Hostage Crisis, 1996–97. New York: Ballantine Books , 2007.
Mikic, Fernando, Luis Anido, Enrique Valero, and Juan Picos. Accessibility and Mobile Learning Standardization, Introducing Some Ideas About the Device Profile (DP). Second International Conference on Systems (ICONS’07), 2007.
Buruma, Ybo. Accountability for Human Rights in the World of Intelligence. Some Tentative Conclusions In The Netherlands, International Symposium. Law Faculty of the Radboud University, 2007.
Health, Department of Defense. An achievable vision: Report of the Department of Defense Task Force on Mental Health. Falls Church, VA: Defense Health Board, 2007.
Act dated 26 April 2007 on Crisis Management. Journal of Laws No. 89, item 59, 2007.
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Graf, Sabine. Adaptivity in Learning Management Systems focusing on Learning Styles. Vienna: Vienna University of Technology, Faculty of Informatics, 2007.
The Administration of the President of Georgia. Brussels: NATO Public Diplomacy Division, 2007.
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