
Export 21393 results:
Strbac, Dr. Katarina. The Role of Humanitarian Organizations in Civil Emergencies. Belgrade: Belgrade University, 2004.
Leveson, Nancy. "Role of Software in Spacecraft Accidents." Journal of Spacecraft and Rockets 41, no. 4 (2004): 564-75.
Tolipov, Farkhod. On the Role of the Central Asian Cooperation Organization within the SCO In Central Asia and the Caucasus., 2004.
Fulga, former Director o. "Romania and the New Threats to Security in South Eastern Europe." La Lettre Diplomatique 67 (2004).
Netreba, Tatyana. "Roses on blood: Does the ‘velvet revolution’ threaten Russia?" Argumenty i Fakty (2004).
Bliev, Mark. Russia and the Highlanders of the Greater Caucasus on the Way to Civilization (Rossiia i gortsy bol’shogo Kavkaza na puti k tsivilizatsii). Moscow: Mysl’, 2004.
McDermott, Roger. Russia Offers ‘Quality’ Military Assistance to Kyrgyzstan., 2004.
Russia’s Counterterrorism Strategy after Beslan–Regional Implications In Weekly Intelligence Briefing. Energy Security Analysis, Inc. (ESAI), 2004.
Petykowski, Jennifer L.. Russia’s Interests in the Global War on Terrorism: Implications for a Continuing Us-Russian Partnership . Monterey, California: Naval Postgraduate School, 2004.
Hill, Fiona. "Russia’s Newly Found ‘Soft Power’." The Globalist (2004).
Thomas, Timothy L.. "Russia’s Reflexive Control Theory and the Military." Journal of Slavic Military Studies 17 (2004): 237-256.
Bendersky, Yevgeny. Russia-China Relationship Favors Beijing. Asia Times Online, 2004.
McDermott, Roger. "Russian Interior Troops Expand Security Role." Eurasia Daily Monitor 1, no. 146 (2004).
Beasly, Kris D.. Russian Military Reform from Perestroika to Putin: Implications for U.S. Policy. Maxwell AFB Alabama: Air University, 2004.
Bogaturov, Aleksei D., and Tatyana A. Shakleyyina. "The Russian Realist School of International Relations." Communist and Post-Communist Studies 37, no. 1 (2004): 37.
Malek, Martin. "Russlands Kriege in Tschetschenien: ‘Wiederherstellung der verfassungsmäßigen Ordnung,’ ‘Antiterror-Operationen’ oder Völkermord?" Zeitschrift für Genozidforschung 5, no. 1 (2004): 102-29.
Tarasyuk, Olga M., Vyacheslav S. Kharchenko, and Vladimir V. Sklyar. "Safety of Airspace Technique and Reliability of Computer Systems." Aviation and Space Technique and Technology (2004).
The SARS Commission Interim Report – SARS and Public Health in Ontario. Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care, 2004.
SAS-028 “Cost Structure and Life Cycle Costs for Military Systems"., 2004.
SAS-054 “Methods and Models for Life Cycle Costing"., 2004.
S.C. Res. 1566., 2004.
McGeary, Johanna. "The Scandal’s Growing Stain." Time (2004).
Sherstyuk, Vladimir P.. Scientific and Methodological Problems of Information Security . Moscow: Information Security Institute of Moscow State University, 2004.
Liaw, Horng-Twu. "A Secure Electronic Voting Protocol for General Elections." Computers and Security 23, no. 2 (2004): 107-119.
Surendro, Kridanto, and Setiyo Cahyono. "Secure e-Mail Application Software for Government in Indonesia." Information & Security: An International Journal 15, no. 2 (2004): 135-150.
