<p>The author outlines possible approaches to cybersecurity governance and compares them against the EU proposal of a Network of Competence Centers, which should manage all European cybersecurity funding. He then presents results of testing this policy proposal against the opinions of key stakeholders (senior administrators from European Agencies, Data Protection Authorities, CISOs, managers, and academics) from the European economic area.</p><p>The presentation reflects results of the from the <a href="https://www.cybersec4europe.eu/">CyberSec4Europe project</a> – one of the four pilot projects aiming to establish and operate a pilot for a European Cybersecurity Competence Network and develop a common European Cybersecurity Research & Innovation Roadmap.</p><p>This paper is included in the program of <a href="https://digilience.org">DIGILIENCE 2019</a> and will be published in the post-conference volume.</p>