IT4Sec Reports 94 summarises the CSDM input to Focus working package 3.2. It examines the origins of contemporary civil-military interaction, the modalities of civil-military interaction in current EU policies and an approach to exploring the civil-military dimension of future EU roles in the implementation of the comprehensive approach. The report concludes that future security roles of the European Union will require ever closer interaction between civilian and military instruments to guarantee the coordination and cooperation of those involved in operations at national and international levels. With time, the interaction between civilians and military moved forward from coordination on an adhoc basis to a structured EU-wide process of development of military and civilian capabilities. This trend is likely to continue towards encompassing the early phases of defining future operational requirements and technology development, that would not only guarantee effective implementation of advanced concepts of operations and interoperability among military and main civilian actors, but may also lead to the creation of common civil-military assets owned in some form by the European Union.