OpenScienceLink introduces and pilots a holistic approach to the publication, sharing, linking, review and evaluation of research results, based on the open access to scientific information. OpenScienceLink pilots a range of novel services that could alleviate the lack of structured data journals and associated data models, the weaknesses of the review process, the poor linking of scientific information, as well as the limitations of current research evaluation metrics and indicators. Five pilot services will be integrated and piloted in particular: (a) Data journals development based on semantically-enabled research dynamics detection, (b) A novel open, semantically-assisted peer review process, (c) A services for detection and analysis of research trends, (d) Services for Dynamic researchers’ collaboration based on non-declared, semantically-inferred relationships, and (e) A set of scientific field-aware, productivity- and impact-oriented enhanced research evaluation services. These services are developed over the OpenScienceLink platform, based on the semantic and social networking capabilities of background FP7 projects, as well as of the popular GoPubMed search engine. The OpenScienceLink services are piloted with the active participation of over 1200 researchers from the consortium organizations. OpenScienceLink has established a group of external users / stakeholders that contribute additional users/researchers in the scope of the validation process, while also engaging in the sustainable use of the services.
OpenScienceLink studies the business potential of open access paradigms, through investigating and pursuing multiple business models including author fees, hard copy sales, advertisements, sponsorship, as well as subscription based models. Furthermore, as part of its holistic approach, OpenScienceLink devised and validatet a legal framework for regulating and reusing open scientific data.
As a result of the project, Procon Ltd.--the publisher in the project consortium--launched the series datajournals.eu, that so far includes the Biomedical Data Journal and European Data Quarterly.
This project has received funding from the EU’s Competitiveness and Innovation Framework Programme, CIP-Pilot actions, under grant agreement no. 325101.