Acquisition policy and strategy

Acquisition policy and strategy

Acquisition policy and strategy Политика и стратегия Политики за аквизиция, стратегии за аквизиция

Modernizing the Bulgarian Military: Not Those Drones

Mathewson, Andro. Modernizing the Bulgarian Military: Not Those Drones In CSDM Views., 2021.

In the first week of December 2020, the Bulgarian Ministry of Defence announced the purchase of 98 new armored vehicles and the modernization of 44 Soviet-era T-72 tanks for a cost of over €100 Million in total.

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Defence Acquisition

This lecture introduces the students to the scope, principles, and the complexities of defence acquisition. It presents the place and the issues addressed by an acquisition strategy, outlines life cycle models and ways of costing acquisition projects. It presents the main roles in the process of acquisition and the need to preserve its transparency and auditability.

Cooperative Capability Development

The lecture introduces the notion of "curse of the scale" and the need to seek economies of scale. It outlines the cooperation mechanisms in NATO and EU formats, and possble levels of cooperation and coordination in the national security sector, as well as the phases in the capability delivery process in which such coordination needs to take place.

Acquisition Management

Lawrence, Anthony. "Acquisition Management." In Defence Management: An Introduction, 155-184. Security and Defence Management Series. Geneva: Geneva Centre for the Democratic Control of Armed Forces, 2009.
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