Lessons learned

Lessons learned

Lessons learned, operational experience, training experience, lessons learned systems, incorporation of lessons learned Уроци от практиката, Опит в операции и учения, извличане и внедряване на уроци от практиката

Lessons for NATO to Be Learned from Putin's War in Ukraine: Global Health Engagement, Interoperability, and Lethality

Quinn, John M.. "Lessons for NATO to Be Learned from Putin's War in Ukraine: Global Health Engagement, Interoperability, and Lethality." Connections: The Quarterly Journal 21, no. 3 (2022): 103-118.


Security threats throughout NATO’s Еastern flank are significant and disruptive and may require new approaches to maximize outcomes that benefit NATO’s strategic objectives and collective defense. Russia poses a major threat to regional security throughout Europe. Deterrence, collective defense, crisis management, and disaster prevention and response are key operations of the NATO alliance.

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Stabilization Missions – Lessons to Be Learned from Resilience-Based Peacebuilding

Fluri, Philipp H.. "Stabilization Missions – Lessons to Be Learned from Resilience-Based Peacebuilding." Connections: The Quarterly Journal 19, no. 4 (2020): 59-68.


Liberal peacebuilding was the predominant concept for peace missions after the fall of the Soviet Union and the disappearance of the bipolar world system. Over time, the high costs associated with liberal peace missions and the rise of violent extremism and state sponsors of terrorism have led to rethinking the ends and means of intervention in fragile or conflict-affected states. Stabilization missions became the new paradigm for interventions, with a strong if not exclusive focus on security.

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The Concept of Resilience: Security Implications and Implementation Challenges

Fluri, Philipp, and Todor Tagarev. "The Concept of Resilience: Security Implications and Implementation Challenges." Connections: The Quarterly Journal 19, no. 3 (2020): 5-12.

In recent years, the notion of resilience has experienced an astonishing expansion away from the area of its original application and transformation of its meaning.

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Torn Asunder from Within: Ukraine and the Lessons for Global Security

Klymenko, Iryna. "Torn Asunder from Within: Ukraine and the Lessons for Global Security." Connections: The Quarterly Journal 15, no. 1 (2016): 45-56.



Ukraine is undergoing a very difficult period in its history. The country is bidding farewell to its Soviet past, while the Russian Federation (RF) is attempting to restore the “Soviet Empire” – with Ukraine retaining within its sphere of control. The Ukraine drama has been playing out “online” before our very eyes, and events have developed so rapidly that experts and scholars are not only unable to keep up with all the details, but are experiencing great difficulty making sense of what is happening.

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