<p>Invited paper</p><p>A digital transformation of the European Armed Forces requires the setting up of a structured and scalable process to ensure mission readiness. Modern implementations of fielded systems coexist with legacy systems. A plethora of platforms, nodes and information sources integrate a hyper connected battlefield. This article analyses the challenges in seeking harmonized solutions in the field of communications and information systems and especially in the tactical edge which is one of the most demanding areas in terms of real-time information sharing. Tactical communications enable an extension of the mission network perimeter up to individual combatants in a contested and congested environment. In the advent of a cognitive era, emerging technologies such as artificial intelligence combined with cloud computing or the internet of things are at the core of this transformation.</p><p>This paper is included in the program of the Second Scientific Conference "Digital Transformation, Cyber Security and Resilience <a href="https://digilience.org/content/digilience-2020-program">DIGILIENCE 2020</a> and will be published in the post-conference volume.</p>