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Mässeli, Eemeli. Enäjän Informaatiopsykologinen Sodankäynti – Suomen Torjunta- ja Varautumistoimenpiteiden Määrittely In Informaatioteknologian Tiedekunta. Vol. Pro Gradu-tutkielma . Jyväskylän Yliopisto, 2022.
Olmos, Martina Benito. The End of the Waves of Modern Terrorism? A Revisionist Analysis on a Fluid Concept In Institute of Political Studies, Department of Security Studies. Vol. Master’s Thesis. Charles University, 2022.
Sharkov, George, and Wim Mees. "Enhanced Collaboration for Cyber Security and Resilience." Information & Security: An International Journal 53, no. 1 (2022): 7-8.
Markov, Dilyan, Alexander Kolev, and Vania Ivanova. "An Enhanced Solution for Automated Fire Control Systems." Information & Security: An International Journal 53, no. 1 (2022): 89-101.
Wrange, Jana. "Entangled security logics: from the decision-makers’ discourses to the decision-takers’ interpretations of civil defence." European Security (2022).
Logan, Toby. The Erosion of Objective Truth: A Comparative Study of the War in Ukraine using Digital Humanities Methods on Russian Disinformation Campaigns and Developing Technologies In Faculty of Arts and Humanities, Department of Cultural Sciences. Vol. Master’s. Sweden: Linnaeus University, 2022.
Ruoslahti, Harri, and Ilkka Tikanmäki. E-Skills in Cybersecurity In International Conference on Multimedia Communications, Services and Security, MCSS 2022: Multimedia Communications, Services and Security. Cham: Springer, 2022.
Courtain, Sylvain. Essays on network data analysis through the bag-of-paths framework In Louvain Research Institute in Management and Organizations Louvain School of Management . Vol. Doctor of Philosophy in Economics and Management Sciences. Université catholique de Louvain, 2022.
Rajamäki, Jyri, and Aarne Hummelholm. "Ethical Resilience Management Framework for Critical Healthcare Information Infrastructure." WSEAS Transactions on Biology and Biomedicine 19, no. 9 (2022): 67-76.
Uchida, Shu. "The EU Actorness in the Security Field: The Case of Georgia." In EU Global Actorness in a World of Contested Leadership: Policies, Instruments and Perceptions. Palgrave Macmillan, 2022.
Shinohara, Mamoru. Evaluating the framework of maritime domain awareness in Japan: opportunities for improvement In Maritime Safety and Environmental Administration. Vol. Master of Science in maritime affars. Malmö, Sweden: World Maritime University, 2022.
Bryczek-Wróbel, Patrycja, and Maciej Moszczyński. "The evolution of the concept of information warfare in the modern information society of the post-truth era." Przegląd Nauk o Obronności 13 (2022): 48-62.
Townsend, III, Howard E.. An Examination of the Significance of Security Knowledge and Attitudes on Security Behavior In School of Business, Technology, and Health Care Administration. Vol. Doctor of Philosophy. Capella University, 2022.
Starodubska, Maryna. "Excessive Brotherly Love? - 'Fraternity' of Russians and Ukrainians as a Russian Propaganda Narrative." Connections: The Quarterly Journal 21, no. 3 (2022): 47-66.
Pérez, Virgilio, Cristina Aybar, and Jose Pavía. "Expanding the New Roles of the Military—The Case of Spain’s Military Emergency Unit: A Research Note." Armed Forces & Society (2022).
Angelov, Grudi. "The Experience of Rakovski National Defense College in Organizing the Communication in the Educational Process During Covid-19 Pandemic." Information & Security: An International Journal 51 (2022): 89-96.
Vivek, Yelleti, Vadlamani Ravi, Abhay Anand Mane, and Laveti Ramesh Naidu. "Explainable Artificial Intelligence and Causal Inference based ATM Fraud Detection ." arXiv preprint arXiv:2211.10595 (2022).
Okomanyi, Abraham Onipe. Exploring Risk-Based Approach for Preventing Cyberattacks in the Automotive Industry. Phoenix, Arizona: Grand Canyon University, 2022.
Saura, Jose Ramon, Domingo Ribeiro-Soriano, and PabloZegarra Saldaña. "Exploring the challenges of remote work on Twitter users' sentiments: From digital technology development to a post-pandemic era Author links open overlay panel." Journal of Business Research 142 (2022).
Alanazi, Marfua, Mark Freeman, and Holly Tootell. "Exploring the factors that influence the cybersecurity behaviors of young adults Author links open overlay panel." Computers in Human Behavior 136 (2022).
Alzarooni, Abdelrahim, and Mohammed Lataifeh. Exploring the relationship between IT competence and digital transformation within government projects in the UAE In 2022 International Conference on Communications, Computing, Cybersecurity, and Informatics (CCCI). Dalian, China, 2022.
Chambers, Michael David. Exploring the Standards Cybersecurity Practitioners Need to Comply with Multinational Cybersecurity Requirements. Vol. Doctor of Computer Science. Colorado Technical University, 2022.
Kashyapa, Kamal, Robin Thakur, Raj Kumar, and Sunil Kumar. "Feasibility analysis for conversion of existing traditional watermills in Western Himalayan region of India to micro-hydropower plants using a low head Archimedes screw turbine for rural electrification." International Journal of Ambient Energy 43, no. 1 (2022).
Hilal, Waleed, Andrew S. Gadsden, and John Yawney. "Financial Fraud: A Review of Anomaly Detection Techniques and Recent Advances." Expert Systems with Applications 193 (2022).
Lanier, Stacy Terrill. The Financial Implications of Information Security: A Correlational Study. Northcentral University, 2022.
