
Export 21393 results:
Pei, Minxin. "Government by Corruption." Forbes (2009).
Bush, Jason. "The Great Pipeline Race: Russia’s South Stream Project Gets a Boost." Spiegel Online (2009).
Esteban, Mario, and Nicolas de Pedro. Great Powers and Regional Integration in Central Asia: A Local Perspective. Madrid: Exlibris Ediciones S.L., 2009.
A Group of Pacific Fleet Ships Returned to Vladivostok After Patrolling the Gulf of Aden. ITAR-TASS, 2009.
Tadross, Mark, Pablo Suarez, Alex Lotsch, Sepo Hachigonta, Marshall Mdoka, Leonard Unganai, Filipe Lucio, Donald Kamdonyo, and Maurice Muchinda. "Growing-season rainfall and scenarios of future change in southeast Africa: implications for cultivating maize." Climate Research 40, no. 2-3 (2009): 147-161.
Janicki, Kamil. "Gruzja, Abchazja, Osetia Południowa." In Źródła nienawiści. Konflikty etniczne w krajach postkomunistycznych. Kraków-Warszawa: Instytut wydawniczy ERICA, 2009.
Denoeux, Guilain, and Lynn Carter. Guide to the Drivers of Violent Extremism. United States Agency for International Development, 2009.
Misra, Sudip, Subhas Chandra Misra, and Isaac Woungang. Guide to Wireless Mesh Networks. London: Springer, 2009.
Guiding Principles for Stabilization & Reconstruction. Washington, D.C.: United States Institute of Peace, United States Army Peacekeeping and Stability Operations Institute, 2009.
The Guns of August 2008: Russia’s War in Georgia. New York: M. E. Sharpe, 2009.
Cornell, Svante E., and Frederick S. Starr. The Guns of August 2008: Russia's War in Georgia . (New York, NY: M.E. Sharpe, 2009.
Scham, Paul, and Osama Abu-Irshaid. Hamas: Ideological Rigidity and Political Flexibility. Washington DC: USIP, 2009.
"He Who Pays for the Pipelines Calls the Tune." The Economist (2009): 47.
Health Security in the European Union and Internationally In Commission Staff Working Document. European Commission, 2009.
Crenshaw, Martha. Hearing on Reassessing the Evolving al-Qa’ida Threat to the Homeland In Statement Before the Subcommittee on Intelligence, Information Sharing, and Terrorism Risk Assessment. Committee on Homeland Security, U.S. House of Representatives, 2009.
Coticchia, Fabrizio, and Giampiero Giacomello. "Helping Hands: Civil–Military Cooperation and Italy's Mlitary Operation Abroad." Small Wars & Insurgencies 20, no. 3-4 (2009).
Strakes, Jason E.. "Hierarchical global structures and their influence on Azerbaijani views of international politics." The Caucasus & Globalization 3, no. 2-3 (2009).
Hoel, Alf Håkon. "The High North Legal-Political Regime." In Security Prospects in the High North: Geostrategic Thaw or Freeze?. Rome: NATO Defense College, 2009.
Hillary Clinton: NATO Must Make Fresh Start with Russia. Reuters, 2009.
Hillary Clinton’s initiative “Civil Society 2.0”., 2009.
Mistdaq, Nabi. "Historic Perspective on Afghanistan, its People and Culture." Rayburn House Office Building, Washington D.C., 2009.
Broder, John M.. "House Bill for a Carbon Tax to Cut Emissions Faces a Steep Climb." New York Times (2009).
"How Close Are We to Real Nanotechnology?" Humanity (2009).
Hronologija Reforme Sektora Bezbednosti u Republici Srbiji 2000–2008. Beograd: Centar za civilno-vojne odnose, 2009.
Kraemer, Sara, Pascale Carayon, and John Clem. "Human and Organizational Factors in Computer and Information Security: Pathways to Vulnerabilities." Computers and Security 28 (2009): 509-520.
