
Export 21414 results:
Bégin, F., E. Boily, T. Mignacca, Elisa Shahbazian, and P. Valin. Architecture and Implementation of a Multi-Sensor Data Fusion Demonstration Model within the Real-time Combat System of the Canadian Patrol Frigate(link is external) In Guidance and Control for Future Air-Defence Systems. Vol. CP-555. AGARD CP-555. Copenhagen: AGARD, 1994.
Geiger, Louis. Armed forces and respect for international humanitarian law: Major issues(link is external) In Symposium on Humanitarian Action and Peacekeeping Operations Report. Geneva, 1994.
Boccara, Nino, M. Roger, and O. Roblin. "Automata network predator-prey model with pursuit and evasion(link is external)." Physical Review (1994): 4531-4541.
Bildt, Carl. "The Baltic Litmus Test: Revealing Russia’s True Colors." Foreign Affairs 73, no. 5 (1994): 72-85, 72.
Blair, W., G. Watson, and S. Hoffman. Benchmark problem for beam pointing control of phased array radar against maneuvering targets(link is external) In American Control Conference., 1994.
Daugman, John G.. Biometric Personal Identification System Based on Iris Analysis(link is external)., 1994.
Bosphorus Declaration. Istanbul, Turkey, 1994.
Kenny, Siobhan. "British Army brings much-needed help to Rwanda." Army Quarterly and Defence Journal 124 (1994).
Etzioni, Orentz, R. Segal, and N. Lesh. Building softbots for UNIX(link is external). Software Agents-Papers from 1994 Spring Symposium, 1994.
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Aamodt, Agnar, and Enric Plaza. "Case based reasoning: Foundational issues, methodological variations and system approaches(link is external)." AI Communications (1994): 39-59.
White, Gordon. "Civil Society, Democratization and Development (I): Clearing the Analytical Ground." Democratization 1, no. 2 (1994): 375-390.
Bebler, Anton. Civil-Military Relations in the Central-East European States in Transition In Balkan Forum., 1994.
The Code of Conduct for the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement and Non-Governmental Organizations in Disaster Relief. International Committee for the Red Cross, 1994.
Code of Conduct on Politico-Military Aspects of Security(link is external). OSCE, 1994.
Dewit, David. "Common, Comprehensive and Cooperative Security(link is external)." The Pacific Review 7, no. 1 (1994).
Companion Encyclopedia of Anthropology(link is external). London: Routledge, 1994.
Fränti, Pasi, Olli Nevalainen, and Timo Kaukoranta. "Compression of Digital Images by Block Truncation Coding: A Survey(link is external)." The Computer Journal 37 (1994): 308-332.
Gellner, Ernest. Conditions of Liberty: Civil Society and Its Rivals(link is external). London: Hamish Hamilton, 1994.
Lake, Anthony. "Confronting Backlash States." Foreign Affairs 73, no. 2 (1994).
Convention on Nuclear Safety., 1994.
Arens, Yigal, Chun-Nan Hsu, and Craig A. Knoblock. Cooperating agents for information retrieval In Second International Conference on Cooperative Information Systems. Toronto, Ontario, Canada: University of Toronto Press, 1994.
Evans, Gareth. "Cooperative Security and Intra State Conflict(link is external)." Foreign Policy 96 (1994).
Koch, Eckhard, Jochen Rindfre, and Jian Zhao. Copyright Protection for Multimedia Data(link is external) In International Conference on Digital Media and Electronic Publishing. Leeds, UK, 1994.
Heymann, Y., C. Steenmans, G. Croisille, and M. Bossard. CORINE Land Cover. Technical Guide. Luxembourg: Office for Official Publications of the European Communities, 1994.
