
Export 21402 results:
Wołk, Krzysztof. "Advanced social media sentiment analysis for short‐term cryptocurrency price prediction." Expert Systems (2019).
Finlayson, Samuel, Hyung Won Chung, Isaac Kohane, and Andrew Beam. "Adversarial attacks against medical deep learning systems." arXiv e-print (2019).
Armanious, Karim, Youssef Mecky, Sergios Gatidis, and Bin Yang. Adversarial inpainting of medical image modalities In In: ICASSP 2019-2019 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP)., 2019.
Andújar, Dionisio, Hugo Moreno, José M. Bengochea-Guevara, Ana de Castro, and Angela Ribeiro. "Aerial Imagery or On-ground Detection? An Economic Analysis for Vineyard Crops." Computers and Electronics in Agriculture 157 (2019): 351-358.
"Ahead of the Curve: Challenges Posed by Technology and the New Workforce." In LERA 71st Annual Meeting, Preconference Day - June 12., 2019.
Taqiyuddin, Muhammad, Mohammad Syam’un Salim, Hamid Fahmy Zarkasyi, and Jarman Arroisi. "Al-Attas on Tafsir and Ta’wil as Legacy of Islamic Sciences." In BASA 2019. Surakarta, Indonesia, 2019.
Letychevskyi, Oleksandr. "Algebraic Approach in Cyber Security." In DIGILIENCE 2019. Sofia, Bulgaria, 2019.
Chandler, David. Algorithmic Governance: Actor Networks and Machinic Correlation In Western Political Science Association (WPSA) annual convention “The Politics of Climate Change”. San Diego, California, 2019.
Cholakov, Peter. Always with NATO, never against Russia?. Deutsche Welle, 2019.
Ihia, Marouane, and Omar Khadir. "Amelioration of ElGamal Digital Signature Schemes." Information & Security: An International Journal 42 (2019): 117-126.
Fuentes, Gonzalo Álvarez, and Margarita Figueroa Sepúlveda. "América Latina y el desafío de la planificación basada en capacidades. Aportes preliminares desde la experiencia de Chile." Revista Relaciones Internacionales, Estrategia y Seguridad 14, no. 1 (2019).
Hidayat, Abdiyan Syaiful. "Analisis Strategi Pengendalian Laut di Alur Laut Kepulauan Indonesia (ALKI) II Menggunakan Metode Structural Equation Modeling (SEM)." Jurnal Ketahanan Nasional 25, no. 3 (2019).
Bontchev, Vesselin, and Veneta Yosifova. "Analysis of the Global Attack Landscape Using Data from a Telnet Honeypot." Information & Security: An International Journal 43, no. 2 (2019): 264-282.
Hyra, Bartlomiej. Analyzing the Attack Surface of Ships In DTU Compute Department of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science . Kongens Lyngby: Technical University of Denmark, 2019.
Annual Report on the Status of Defense and the Armed Forces., 2019.
Annual Report on the Status of Defense and the Armed Forces ., 2019.
Annual Report on the Status of Defense and the Armed Forces . Sofia: Council of Ministers, 2019.
Annual Report on the Status of Defense and the Armed Forces ., 2019.
Annual Report on the Status of Defense and the Armed Forces ., 2019.
Martino, Steve. Anticipating the Unknowns: 2019 Cisco CISO Benchmark Study In Cisco Benchmark Report., 2019.
Syam, Rajarshi, and R. Marapareddy. Application of deep neural networks in the field of information security and healthcare In 2019 SoutheastCon,., 2019.
Blagoev, Ivan. Application of Time Series Techniques for Random Number Generator Analysis In XXII Int. Conference DCCN . Moscow, Russia, 2019.
Dodonov, Oleksandr, Dmytro Lande, O. Nesterenko, and Boris Berezin. Approach to forecasting the effectiveness of public administration using OSINT technologies: Information technology and security In Proceedings of the XIX International Scientific and Practical Conference ITS-2019. Kyiv: Engineering: , 2019.
Lafaye, Caroline Guibet. Armes et principes. Éthique de l’engagement politique armé., 2019.
Wirtz, Bernd W., Jan C. Weyerer, and Carolin Geyer. "Artificial Intelligence and the Public Sector—Applications and Challenges." International Journal of Public Administration 42, no. 7 (2019).
