
Export 21373 results:
Bureva, Veselina, Evdokia Sotirova, Stanislav Popov, Deyan Mavrov, and Velichka Traneva. Generalized Net of Cluster Analysis Process Using STING: A Statistical Information Grid Approach to Spatial Data Mining In International Conference on Flexible Query Answering Systems, Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Vol. 10333., 2017.
Bureva, Veselina, Stanislav Popov, Evdokia Sotirova, and B. Miteva. "Generalized Net of the Process of Hierarchical Cluster Analysis." Annual of Assen Zlatarov University, Burgas, Bulgaria XLVI, no. 1 (2017): 107-111.
Yang, Chaofei, Qing Wu, Hai Li, and Yiran Chen. "Generative poisoning attack method against neural networks." arXiv e-prints (2017).
Brownlee, Jason. Gentle Introduction to Models for Sequence Prediction with RNNs., 2017.
Georgia ‘overrun’ by Russian troops as full-scale ground invasion begins. Daily Mail, 2017.
Georgia-NATO Relations. Embassy of Georgia, 2017.
Toucas, Bouris. The Geostrategic Importance of the Black Sea Region: A Brief History. Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS), 2017.
McKew, Molly K.. "The Gerasimov Doctrine." Politico (2017).
Nazriev, Sairakhmon. Glava Hatlona obespokoen bolshim kolichestvom bokhtarcev v Sirii (Head of Hatlon is concerned with a large number of bokhtars in Syria). Asia-Plus, 2017.
Global Fire Power Index., 2017.
Global Peace Index 2017 Measuring Peace in a Complex World., 2017.
Quisumbing, Lowell A.. "Global Perspectives on Cyber security Using Latent Dirichlet Allocation Algorithm." International Journal of Applied Engineering Research 12, no. 20 (2017): 10310-10323.
Global Ransomware Attack Causes Turmoil. BBC News Ukraine, 2017.
Lewis, Paul Simon. The Global Vulnerability Discovery and Disclosure System: A Thematic System Dynamics Approach In Cranfield Defence and Security. Vol. PhD. Cranfield University, 2017.
Poushter, Jacob, and Dorothy Manevich. Globally, People Point to ISIS and Climate Change as Leading Security Threats. Pew Research Center, 2017.
Filipenok, Artem, and Anjelika Basisini. A Group Connected to Al-Qaeda Claimed Responsibility for the Terrorist Act in the Underground. RBK (in Russian), 2017.
Guarda Nacional Republicana (Portugal)., 2017.
Besenyő, János. "Guerrilla Operations in Western Sahara: The Polisario versus Morocco and Mauritania." Connections: The Quarterly Journal 16, no. 3 (2017): 23-45.
G. Kumar, Saroj, Ratna Ghosh, Debasish Ghose, and A. Vengadarajan. "Guidance of Seekerless Interceptors Using Innovation Covariance Based Tuning of Kalman Filters." Journal of Guidance, Control, and Dynamics 40, no. 3 (2017): 603-614.
Androulidakis, Iosif. "Guidelines on a Mobile Security Lab Course." Information & Security: An International Journal 37 (2017): 35-44.
Weir, Matt. Hacking 400,000 passwords, or explaining to a roommate why your electricity bill went up. Defcon 17, 2017.
Joscelyn, Thomas. "Hay’at Tahrir al Sham Leader Calls for ‘Unity’ in Syrian Insurgency." FDD’s Long War Journal (2017).
Dunn, Sarah, and Sean Wilkinson. "Hazard Tolerance of Spatially Distributed Complex Networks." Reliability Engineering & System Safety 157 (2017): 1-12.
Skovgaard-Petersen, Jakob. "Heirs of Abu Bakr: On the Ideology and Conception of History in al-Qaeda and Islamic State." Connections: The Quarterly Journal 16, no. 1 (2017): 25-36.
MIC. Heisei 28 Nen Jyoho Tsushin Media no Riyou Jikan to Jyoho Koudou ni Kansuru Chosa [Research for the Length of Time and Behavior to Use Communication Media]., 2017.
