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Hermawati, Fajar Astuti, and Harry Budianto. "A Video Based License Plate Detection System Using Viola-Jones Method." In 2nd SciTech Internasional Seminar, 531-537. Vol. 118. Surabaya-Indonesia, 2013.
Hassner, Tal. Viewing Real-World Faces in 3D In IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision, 2013. Sydney, Australia, 2013.
O’Brien, Brendan. Vigil at Wisconsin Sikh Temple Marks Anniversary of Shooting Attack. Reuters, 2013.
Arasli, Jahangir E.. "Violent Converts to Islam: Growing Cluster and Rising Trend." In The Dangerous Landscape, 99-121., 2013.
Virtual Realities Products., 2013.
Kaplan, Robert D.. The Virtues of Hard Power. Stratfor, 2013.
Visit to the Russia Today Channel. Vol. 11 June 2013. Official site of the President of Russia, 2013.
Vladimir Putin press conference 2013. official website of the President of Russia, 2013.
Vladimir Zhirinovsky: We need a Far East boom. Vol. 21 February 2013. Official website of the Russia-Asia Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs, 2013.
Ball, James. "Vodafone and BT pursued over role in GCHQ internet monitoring." Guardian (2013): 5.
Hartmann, Kim, and Christoph Steup. The Vulnerability of UAVs to Cyber Attacks – An Approach to the Risk Assessment In 2013 5th International Conference on Cyber Conflict (CYCON 2013). Tallin: NATO CCD COE, 2013.
Souleimanov, Emil. "War and Diplomacy: Ethnopolitical Conflicts as a Factor in the Foreign Policies of South Caucasian Countries (1991–94)." In Understanding Ethnopolitical Conflict. Rethinking Peace and Conflict Studies. London: Palgrave Macmillan, 2013.
Jensen, Geoffrey. War and Insurgency in the Western Sahara. Boulder, CO: Lynne Rienner Publishers, 2013.
Qazi, Shehzad H.. A War Without Bombs: Civil Society Initiatives Against Radicalization in Pakistan. Institute for Social Policy and Understanding, 2013.
Pilkington, Ed. Washington Post releases four new slides from NSA’s Prism presentation., 2013.
"Washington Wire: The U.S.-Russia Agreement on Syria’s Chemical Weapons." Wall Street Journal Online (2013).
Lukyanov, Fedor. "We and the New Asia." Kommersant Ogonyok (2013).
Surkov, Vladislav. We Are Overcoming Difficulties That South Ossetia Previously Met. РЕС Information Agency, 2013.
Lowndes, Vivien, and Kerry McCaughie. "Weathering the Perfect Storm? Austerity and Institutional Resilience in Local Government." Policy & Politics 41, no. 4 (2013): 533-549.
Webster, Noah. Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary . G. & C. Merriam Co, 2013.
"What Did America Learn from the 1999 Kosovo War." The Economist (2013).
Cox, Dan. What if the Hybrid Warfare/Threat Concept Was Simply Meant to Make Us Think?. E-International Relations, 2013.
Keck, Markus, and Patrick Sakdapolrak. "What is social resilience? Lessons learned and ways forward." ERDCUNDE 67, no. 1 (2013): 5-19.
Gunes, Cengiz. "What’s Next for Syria’s Kurds?" Jadaliyya (2013).
Lukyanov, Fedor. What to expect from the meeting of Russian and US presidents in Northern Ireland. Russian Foreign Affairs Council, 2013.
