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Otvety na voprosy zhurnalistov posle zaversheniya vyborov Presidenta (Response to the questions of journalists following the closing of the Presidential elections)., 2018.
Jebril, Akram, Aduwati Sali, Alyani Ismail, and Mohd Fadlee Rasid. "Overcoming Limitations of LoRa Physical Layer in Image Transmission." Sensors 18, no. 10 (2018): 3257.
Elijah, Olakunle, Tharek Abdul Rahman, Igbafe Orikumhi, Chee Yen Leow, and MHD Nour Hindia. "An Overview of Internet of Things (IoT) and Data Analytics in Agriculture: Benefits and Challenges." IEEE Internet of Things Journal 5, no. 5 (2018): 3758-3773.
Gjevori, Elvin. "An Overview of the Military and Judiciary in Albania." In Democratisation and Institutional Reform in Albania, 11-31., 2018.
Wakefield, Stephanie, and B. Braun. "Oystertecture: Infrastructure, Profanation and the Sacred Figure of the Human." In Infrastructure, Environment, and Life in the Anthropocene, 193-215. London: Duke UNiversity Press, 2018.
Schoofs, Caroline. The Path of the European Union Battlegroups: A Historical Institutionalist Analysis of the Development of the EU Battlegroups since 1998 In RMA Modern History. Utrecht University, 2018.
United Nations and World Bank. Pathways for Peace: Inclusive Approaches to Preventing Violent Conflict. Washington, DC: World Bank, 2018.
Maza, Cristina. Paul Manafort’s Ties to Russian Oligarch Run Deeper Than Expected, Investigation Reveals. Newsweek, 2018.
Penev, Plamen P.. "Peacemakers: American Leadership and the End of Genocide in the Balkans (book review)." Connections: The Quarterly Journal 17, no. 1 (2018): 77-83.
Pearson Correlation Coefficient Calculator. Social Science Statistics, 2018.
Sanger, David E., and William J. Broad. "Pentagon Suggests Countering Devastating Cyberattacks with Nuclear Arms." The New York Times (2018).
Bertolino, Antonia, Antonello Calabrò, Eda Marchetti, Anton Cervantes Sala, Guiomar Tuñón de Hita, Ilie Daniel Ghe Pop, and Varun Gowtham. "Perceived Needs and Gains from an Industrial Study in Cloud Testing Automation." In IEEE/ACM International Conference on Utility and Cloud Computing Companion (UCC Companion). Zurich, Switzerland , 2018.
AL-Dhief, Fahad, Naseer Sabri, Abdul Latiff, Nik Noordini Malik, Musatafa Albader, Mazin Mohammed, Rami AL-Haddad, Yasir Salman, Mohd Ghani, and Omar Obaid. "Performance Comparison between TCP and UDP Protocols in Different Simulation Scenarios." International Journal of Engineering & Technology 7, no. 4.36 (2018): 172-176.
Fluri, Philipp, and Judith Reid. "The Persistent Demand for Defense Institution Building." Connections: The Quarterly Journal 17, no. 3 (2018): 5-7.
Personal Remittances, received (% of GDP). The World Bank, 2018.
Physicians per 1000 people. World Bank, 2018.
Nassi, Ben, Moshe Sror, Ido Lavi, Yair Meidan, Asaf Shabtai, and Yuval Elovici. "Piping Botnet - Turning Green Technology into a Water Disaster." arXiv:1808.02131v1 [cs.CR] (2018).
Ustymenko, O.V., and V.I. Bilyk. "Planuvannja rozvytku spromozhnostej syl oborony Ukrai’ny shhodo protydii’ zagrozam u hodi gibrydnoi’ vijny [Planning for the Development of the Capabilities of the Ukrainian Defence Forces to Counter the Threats During the Hybrid War]." Bulletin of the National Academy of Public Administration under the President of Ukraine 2 (2018): 48-52.
Sliwa, Zdzislaw. "Poland: NATO’s East Frontline Nation." In Deterring Russia in Europe, 217-236. New York: Routledge, 2018.
Policiyi slid perejty vid tochkovyx zmin do instytucijnyx reform, – zvit ekspertiv (Поліції слід перейти від точкових змін до інституційних реформ, – звіт експертів). UMDPL Association, 2018.
Policy and Legal Frameworks of Using Armed Forces for Domestic Disaster Response and Relief., 2018.
Ratchev, Valeri, and Todor Tagarev. "Policy and Legal Frameworks of Using Armed Forces for Domestic Disaster Response and Relief." Information & Security: An International Journal 40, no. 2 (2018): 137-166.
Bacon, Edwin. "Policy change and the narratives of Russia’s think tanks." Palgrave Communications 4, no. 94 (2018).
da Silva, Eduardo Athouguia. Políticas públicas e capacidades estatais: um exame dos Projetos Estratégicos de Defesa sob a ótica dos arranjos institucionais. Brasília: IPEA, 2018.
Population, total – Zimbabwe. World Bank, 2018.
