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Opening speech by H.E. Mr. Daniel Cristian Ciobanu, Ambassador of Romania to Azerbaijan, International workshop ensuring energy security in the Caspian basin and NATO’s role in protecting critical energy infrastructure. Baku, 2012.
Hess, Julius. The Operational Relevance of Culture and the Effectiveness of Cross-Cultural Competence. Empirical Findings from a Panel Study among German Soldiers of the 22nd ISAF contingent In multimedia presentation at the CIMIC Center of Excellence. Enschede, 2012.
"Operationalization of culture in population-centric operations – the American experience." In Balancing domestic and international security requirements, International Society of Military Sciences. Kingston: Royal Military College of Canada, 2012.
Alipiev, Ilian. Opportunities to improve the draft laws on national security management, the intelligence, the military intelligence, and the national service for protection In CSDM Views. Sofia: Centre for Security and Defence Management, 2012.
Dovgan, Oleksandr, and Igor Chernuhin. "Organizational and legal bases of critical infrastructure protection system construction against cyberattacks." In Information Security of the Person, Society and State., 2012.
Gusberti, Tomoe D. H., and Márcia E. S. Echeveste. "An Organizational Capability-Based Performance Measurement Model for Technology Conversion Process." JCC: The Business and Economics Research Journal 5, no. 2 (2012): 225-242.
Černe, Matej, Marko Jaklic, Miha Skerlavaj, Arzu Ülgen Aydinlik, and Dilek Dönmez Polat. "Organizational learning culture and innovativeness in Turkish firms." Journal of Management and Organization 18, no. 2 (2012): 193-219.
Picarelli, John. "Osama bin Corleone? Vito the Jackal? Framing Threat Convergence through an Examination of Transnational Organized Crime and International Terrorism." Terrorism and Political Violence 24, no. 2 (2012): 180-98.
Carr, Jeffrey. OSCE’s Cyber Security Confidence Building Measures Revealed by Anonymous. Digital Dao, 2012.
Reid-Martinez, Kathaleen. "Overcoming the Challenge of Legacy Learning Methods." Connections: The Quarterly Journal 11, no. 4 (2012): 43-51.
Procházková, Dana. "Overview of Fine Exact Methods of Safety Engineering." Information & Security: An International Journal 28, no. 2 (2012): 167-178.
Dimitrov, Vladimir. "An Overview of the Department of Defense Architecture Framework (DoDAF)." Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference “Information Systems & Grid Technologies” (ISGT’2012), (2012).
Stahl, Frederic, and Ivan Jordanov. "An overview of the use of neural networks for data mining tasks." WIREs Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery 2, no. 3 (2012): 193-208.
Prasanna, S., and Srinivasa Rao. "An Overview of Wireless Sensor Networks Applications and Security." International Journal of Soft Computing and Engineering 2, no. 2 (2012): 538-540.
Overview – United States Department of Defense Fiscal Year 2013 Budget Request. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Department of Defense, 2012.
Tohidi, Faranak. Ownership Authentication by Digital Image Watermarking Based on Block Truncation Coding In Advanced Informatics School. Vol. Master of Computer Science (Information Security). Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, 2012.
Hudson, Carl. Pacific Endeavor 2012 Begins. United States Pacific Command Web Site, 2012.
Bumiller, Elisabeth, and Thom Shanker. "Panetta Warns of Dire Threat of Cyberattack on U.S." The New York Times (2012).
Hofstadter, Richard. The paranoid style in American politics. Vintage, 2012.
Braun, David Asher and. Party of Fraud: Hizballah's Criminal Enterprises. PolicyWatch 1911, 2012.
Stecher, Tina. Pathways to Regional Resilience In The Governance of Adaptation., 2012.
Ibish, Hussein. A Patronizing Narrative Pigeonholes Arabs In NOW Lebanon ., 2012.
Miller, Greg. "Pentagon Establishes Defense Clandestine Service, New Espionage Unit." Washington Post (2012).
Ismaila, W.O., Boniface Kayode Alese, Olajide Olusegun Adeosun, and OT Arulogun. Performance Evaluation of Unsupervised Neural Network in Fraud Detection., 2012.
Bechev, Dimitar. The Periphery of the Periphery: the Western Balkans and the Euro Crisis In European Council of Foreign Relations Brief., 2012.
