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Niemiec, Marcin, Salvatore Marco Pappalardo, Maya Bozhilova, Nikolai Stoianov, Andrzej Dziech, and Burkhard Stiller. Multi-sector Risk Management Framework for Analysis Cybersecurity Challenges and Opportunities In International Conference on Multimedia Communications, Services and Security, MCSS 2022: Multimedia Communications, Services and Security . Vol. 1689. Cham: Springer, 2022.
Enev, E., Grigor Velev, Nikolai Stoianov, and Maya Bozhilova. Requirements for the Sensor Platform and Network for Indoor Deployment and Exterior Based Radiofrequency Awareness(link is external) In ,” International Research Conference 105 Years Security and Defense Research. Sofia: Bulgarian Military Academy “G. S. Rakovski ”, 2017.
Stoianov, Nikolai, Maya Bozhilova, and Grigor Velev. Towards Security Requirements of the SPIDER Projec In Scientific Conference with International Participation on Cyber security in the Information Society. Shumen, Bulgaria, 2017.
Bozhilova, Maya, and Grigor Velev. A formal models for mobile AD HOC networks group interactions In Proceedings of the Eighth International Scientific Conference ‘HEMUS-2016’., 2016.
Velev, Grigor, and Maya Bozhilova. Model of cluster routing algorithm for mobile self-organizing networks for defense and security In scientific conference with international participation "Society of knowledge and humanism of the XXI century. Sofia: UniBIT, BAS, 2015.
Bozhilova, Maya. A Model for Defining the Software System State In Sixth International Scientific Conference “Hemus-2012”., 2012.