Co-funded by the European Commission under the 7th Framework Programme, theme “security”, call FP7-SEC-2010-1, work programme topic 6.3-2 “Foresighting the contribution of security research to meet the future EU roles”.
FOCUS will help shape European security research to enable the EU to effectively respond to tomorrow’s challenges stemming from the globalization of risks, threats and vulnerabilities.
FOCUS will concentrate on alternative future EU roles to prevent or respond to incidents situated on the “borderline” between the internal and external dimensions of the security affecting the Union and its citizens. It will do so by laborating multiple scenarios, based on ITsupported foresight, in the form of alternative futures. These will be based on threat integration and a comprehensive approach to future
missions to provide security to the Union and its citizens.
The project website provides additional information and access to the project deliverables.
Volume 29 of Information & Security: An International Journal, with Prof. Alexander Siedschlag as Guest Editor, is dedicated to project results in Scenario-based Security Foresight.