Personal information
Date of birth 22 February 1935
Address Institute of Information and Communication Technologies, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences
25A Acad. G. Bonchev Str., Room 212, Sofia 1113, Bulgaria
1966 Ph.D. Main Electrical Engineering - St. Petersburg Electrotechnical University (USSR)
1952 -1957 B.Sc. and M.Sc. 1st class (H/Ns.) as a Radio engineer. Higher Institute of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering (HIMEE) - Sofia (Bulgaria)
Degrees and academic ranks
2003 Academician - Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Sofia, Bulgaria
1995 Academician - International Information Academy, Novosibirsk, Russia
1989 Corresponding Member of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences
1982 Professor
1975 Doctor of Sciences - St. Petersburg Electrotechnical University (USSR)
1973 Senior lecturer. Higher Institute of Economics - Sofia (Bulgaria)
Work experience
2004 - 2010 Director of the Institute for Parallel Processing, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences
1996 - 2010 Head of department "Distributed Computing Systems and Networks" at IPP, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences
1992 - 1996 Director of the Central Laboratory for Parallel processing (former Center for Informatics and Computer Technology) at the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences
1986 - 1992 Director of the Institute for Microprocessors and Instruments - Sofia
1973 - 1986 Head of Department at the "Central Institute for Computing Systems and Technology" - Sofia
1961 - 1973 Research Assistant at the "Central Institute for Computing Systems and Technology" - Sofia
Academic/teaching experience
Teaching Computer Sciences courses at the Sofia University St. Kliment Ohridski, "University of National and World Economy, New Bulgarian University, Technical University - Sofia, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, etc. Tutor and supervisor of Ph.D. students and M.Sc. students. Invited lecturer to many international schools and conferences. Member of the editorial board of the "Journal of New generation Computer systems" (Akademie Verlag Publ. - Berlin), "Studies in Informatics and Control" (Bucharest) and several Bulgarian scientific magazines.
More than 100 publications in Bulgarian. More than 30 publications in foreign scientific magazines and international conferences, proceedings. Author and co-author of 32 books and manuals (in Bulgarian mainly, several of them published in Russian). Editor of 3 books of conference proceedings published by North-Holland.
Professional standing and international activities
Member of the advisory and consulting boards of many Bulgarian scientific committees. Member of more than 30 international program committees. Member of the IST advisory group (ISTAG) at the EC. Representative of Bulgaria in the International Federation on Information Processing (IFIP), representative of Bulgaria in TC.6 IFIP. Governor of ICCC. Chairman of Bulgarian Computer Society of IEEE. Chairman of National IFIP Committee. Coordinator of 7 international projects (Tempus, Copernicus and ACTS programs of EC).
Major awards held
Holder of the highest Bulgarian medal for science – “Cyril and Methodius 1” -2005
The IFIP Outstanding Service Award for contributions to the Informatics Community.