The DRIVER project aims at three main objectives:
1. Development of a pan-European test-bed (An assembly of virtually connected, distributed operational or training facilities dedicated to experimentation plus test-bed tools (modelling and simulation, data recording, data analysis), methods (experiment design, campaign planning, analysis, evaluation), people (cf. DRIVER community), and ideas) enabling the testing and iterative refinement of new crisis management solutions;
2. Development of a DRIVER Portfolio of Tools that improves Crisis Management at Member State and EU level (Solutions for civil resilience, Solutions for professional response ,Methods and infrastructure for individual and organisational learning, Organisational, policy & legal tools & standards, Societal aspects/tools;
3. Development of a more shared understanding of Crisis Management across Europe including all stakeholders in Crisis Management who are concerned by societal and technological innovation in Crisis Management.
The project is implemented by a consourtium of 37 partners from 13 EU countries, Norway and Israel.
The project is coordinated by European IT services leader Atos with technical and scientific support from the Swedish Defense Research Agency (FOI) and the Fraunhofer Institute for Technological Trend Analysis (INT).
The IT4Sec team is involved primarily in sub-project 8 Supporting Information & Analysis with responsibilities to review of existing crisis management capabilities, organisation, procedures, and legislation and taking the lead in drafting recommendations for the enhancement of EU and national crisis management policies.