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Phuong, Chang. Teaching cybersecurity: a project-based learning and guided inquiry collaborative learning approach. Vol. Doctor of Philosophy in Computational Science. University of Tennessee at Chattanooga Chattanooga, Tennessee , 2022.
Kouka, Marianna, and Mariah Cristina Magallanes. Technological Trivergence and International Trade: A Literature Review. Harvard University, 2022.
Scott, Nicholas V.. A Theoretical Formulism for Evidential Reasoning and Logic Based Bias Reduction in Geo-Intelligence Processing In 4 th International Conference on Statistics: Theory and Applications (ICSTA'22) . Prague, Czech Republic, 2022.
Akbari, Abed. Think Tank Diplomacy as an Essential Factor Contributing to Iran-Tajikistan Relations In International Relations And Security., 2022.
Dash, Bibhu, Meraj Farheen Ansari, Pawankumar Sharma, and Azad Ali. "Threats and opportunities with ai-based cyber security intrusion detection: a review." International Journal of Software Engineering & Applications (IJSEA) 13, no. 5 (2022).
Nganga, Allan, Joel Scanlan, Margareta Lützhöft, and Steven Mallam. Timely Maritime Cyber Threat Resolution in a Multi-Stakeholder Environment In CYBER 2022 : The Seventh International Conference on Cyber-Technologies and Cyber-Systems., 2022.
Sharkov, George, Christina Todorova, Georgi Koykov, and Ivan Nikolov. "Towards a Robust and Scalable Cyber Range Federation for Sectoral Cyber/Hybrid Exercising: The Red Ranger and ECHO Collaborative Experience." Information & Security: An International Journal 53, no. 2 (2022): 287-302.
Sifata, Mhamud Hussen, Safwat Mukarrama Choudhury, Sajal K. Das, Hafiz Ahamed, S. M. Muyeen, Mehedi Hasan, Firoj Ali, Zinat Tasneem, Manirul Islam, Robiul Islam et al. Towards Electric Digital Twin Grid: Technology and Framework Review., 2022.
Sifat, Mhamud Hussen, Safwat Mukarrama Choudhury, Sajal K. Das, Hafiz Ahamed, S.M. Muyeen, Mehedi Hasan, Firoj Ali, ZinatT asneem, Manirul Islam, Robiul Islam et al. "Towards electric digital twin grid: Technology and framework review." Journal Pre-proof (2022).
Posea, Vlad, George Sharkov, Adrian Baumann, and Georgios Chatzichristos. "Towards Unified European Cyber Incident and Crisis Management Ontology." Information & Security: An International Journal 53, no. 1 (2022): 33-44.
Samkari, Esraa, and Norah Farooqi. "Trajectory Data Compression Using Speed-Course Threshold Followed by Adaptive Douglas-Peucker Algorithm." Information & Security: An International Journal 51 (2022): 79-88.
Gaidarski, Ivan, and Pavlin Kutinchev. "Transformation of UML Design Models of Information Security System into Agent-based Simulation Models." Information & Security: An International Journal 53, no. 1 (2022): 65-77 .
Tosun, Petek. "Transforming Universities for a More Competent Society: Digitalization and Higher Education." In Multidisciplinary Perspectives Towards Building a Digitally Competent Society, 230-247., 2022.
Luo, Tian. Translation, Reception and Canonization of The Art of War: Reviving Ancient Chinese Strategic Culture. Routledge, 2022.
Bülbül, Nurefşan Sertbaş, Orhan Ermis, Şerif Bahtiyar, Ufuk M. Çağlayan, and Fatih Alagöz. Trust Enhanced Security for Routing in SDN In 2022 1st International Conference on 6G Networking (6GNet). Paris, France, 2022.
Derleth, Jim, and Jeff Pickler. "Twenty-first Century Threats Require Twenty-first Century Deterrence." Connections: The Quarterly Journal 21, no. 2 (2022): 11-23.
Barea, Juan Carlos Cas. Un Enfoque Propio para el Análisis de la Política Pública de Defensa [A Particular Approach to the Analysis of Defence Public Policy] In Actas XIV Jornadas de Estudios de Seguridad «La Competición Estratégica en El Magreb: Argelia y Marruecos Relaciones e Intereses Para España»., 2022.
Lee, Nevada. UN Missions and Their Failures: How Collaboration with Military Force Complicates UN Inter ce Complicates UN Intervention in Ar ention in Areas of Conflict eas of Conflict . Vol. Bachelor of Arts. Claremont Colleges, 2022.
Setiawan, Yudy, and Anita Maharani. Unboxing Employees Perspectives on Factors Affecting Their Compliance to Organizational Information Security Policies In 2nd International conference on smart computing and cyber security: Strategic foresight, security challenges and innovation., 2022.
Jusufi, Islam. "Uncertainty, fragmentation, and international obligations as shaping influences: Cyber security policy development in Albania." In Cyber Security Politics., 2022.
Thangavel, Kathiravan, ordan Joseph Plotnek, Alessandro Gardi, and Roberto Sabatini. Understanding and investigating adversary threats and countermeasures in the context of space cybersecurity In Conference: AIAA/IEEE 41st Digital Avionics Systems Conference (DASC). Portsmouth, VA, USA, 2022.
Wang, Jian. The US Capitol Riot: Examining the Rioters, Social Media, and Disinformation In Division of Continuing Education. Vol. Master's thesis. Harvard University , 2022.
Elamiryan, Ruben. "The US, Strategic Environment in the South Caucasus and Armenia: A Sight on the Future." Journal of Political Science: Bulletin of Yerevan (2022).
Karlberg, Anton. Utilizing games as a tool to increase cybersecurity awareness in organizations: A systematic literature review In School of Informatics. Vol. Bachelor. University of Skövde, 2022.
Samosa, Resty C., Killy Neah C. Amondina, Rhicca D. Camposano, Angelica P. Ruadiel, Christine Joy P. Rayuan, and Nicole Joy Y. Soledad. "Virtual Laboratory as a Self-Paced Learning Innovation to Improve Learning Achievements and Attitudes in Teaching Physical Science." British Journal of Innovation in Science, Research and Development 01, no. 02 (2022).
