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Linkevicius, Linas. "Reset with Russia, but with Reassurance." International Herald Tribune.
Sato, H., M. Kubo, and A. Namatame. "Sato, H." In Soft Computing and Intelligent Systems (SCIS) and 13th International Symposium on Advanced Intelligent Systems (ISIS), 2012 Joint 6th International Conference on. Kobe: IEEE.
Holliday, P.. "SWARMM - a mobility modelling tool for tactical military networks." In Military Communications Conference. San Diego, CA: IEEE.
Ugroza terrorizma v Rossii sokhranaetsya [The Terrorist Threat in Russia Remains]. Rosbalt.
U.S. Response to Crisis in Kyrgyz Republic, Uzbekistan. U.S. Department of State.
Adelantado, Martin, and Jean-Michel Mathe. "Using Agent Based Distillation to Explore Issues Related to Asymmetric Warfare.".
Brinkman, Richard, Jeroen Doumen, and Willem Jonker. "Using Secret Sharing for Searching in Encrypted Data." In Workshop on Secure Data Management in a Connected World. Toronto, Canada.
West Europe–West China Project to Increase Deliveries by Trucks Almost Four-fold. Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
Bigo, Didier. "“When Two Become One”." In International Relations Theory and the Politics of European Integration. London: Routledge.
Koeva, Mila. Холография - принципи и приложения във фотограметрията.
