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Shafer, G.. "Perspectives on the Theory and Practice of Belief Functions." International Journal of Approximate Reasoning 4 (1990): 323-362.
Shafer, G.. "Perspectives on the Theory and Practice of Belief Functions." International Journal of Approximate Reasoning 4 (1990): 323-362.
Shafer, G., and J. Pearl. Readings in Uncertain Reasoning. Morgan-Kauffman, 1990.
Shafer, G.. "The Combination of Evidence." International Journal of Intelligent Systems 1 (1986): 155-179.
Shafer, G.. "The Combination of Evidence." International Journal of Intelligent Systems (1986): 155-179.
Shafer, G.. A Mathematical Theory of Evidence. Princeton, New Jersey: Princeton University Press, 1976.
Shafer, G.. A Mathematical Theory of Evidence. Princeton Univ. Press, Princeton,NJ, 1976.